count me in please Imber team 51 - and would you please let players and others know about the FANTASY LEAGUE -DREAM TEAM linked to this month's DTD competition - hope you have a brilliant turn out
c ount me in please Imber team 51 - and would you please let players and others know about the FANTASY LEAGUE -DREAM TEAM linked to this month's DTD competition - hope you have a brilliant turn out Posted by imber
I did not see the Month Team League finished anywhere, from what monkey texed me the results, I worked out on a Peroni beer mat that TPT nicked it by 1 point!!! LOL !!
Well Done Trev & team & great month all !!
if table aint been done, I couldna see it, so i will do one & post here!!
Dtwbandit (TKP)
Barbie59 (THS)
Splashies (THS)
Boxter (Team51)
Billyboots (Team51)
Young gun (THS)
Djblack04 (Team51)
Pomfrittes (TPT)
Madmoo (TPT)
Scouse red (TKP)
Lisar83 (THS)
Wynne1938 (THS)
Maxally (TKP VICE Capt)
Imber (Team51)
Pokertrev (TPT CAPTAIN)
Dtwbandit (TKP)
Barbie59 (THS)
Splashies (THS)
Boxter (Team51)
Billyboots (Team51)
Young gun (THS)
Djblack04 (Team51)
Pomfrittes (TPT)
Madmoo (TPT)
Scouse red (TKP)
Lisar83 (THS)
Wynne1938 (THS)
Maxally (TKP VICE Capt)
Imber (Team51)
Pokertrev (TPT CAPTAIN)
Spornybol (TPT)
Shipdchips (THS)
Kiwini4u (TPT)
Hi Imber have sent PM's out
good afternoooooon alllll,
I will be participating as per, and oh yes giving chips away if my last month is anything to go
Nice idea of Imber's with the fantasy league....(you've got to be in it to win it ppl)..
Dtwbandit (TKP)
Barbie59 (THS)
Splashies (THS)
Boxter (Team51)
Billyboots (Team51)
Young gun (THS)
Djblack04 (Team51)
Pomfrittes (TPT)
Madmoo (TPT)
Scouse red (TKP)
Lisar83 (THS)
Wynne1938 (THS)
Maxally (TKP VICE Capt)
Imber (Team51)
Pokertrev (TPT CAPTAIN)
Spornybol (TPT)
Shipdchips (THS)
Kiwini4u (TPT)
Chubbers (TPT)
Jaegerbomb (TKP on-field CAPT)
Dtwbandit (TKP)
Barbie59 (THS)
Splashies (THS)
Boxter (Team51)
Billyboots (Team51)
Young gun (THS)
Djblack04 (Team51)
Pomfrittes (TPT)
Madmoo (TPT)
Scouse red (TKP)
Lisar83 (THS)
Wynne1938 (THS)
Maxally (TKP VICE Capt)
Imber (Team51)
Pokertrev (TPT CAPTAIN)
Spornybol (TPT)
Shipdchips (THS)
Kiwini4u (TPT)
Chubbers (TPT)
Jaegerbomb (TKP on-field CAPT)
Drumahai05 (Team51)
might give this a go
up for anything new
I'm in
Dtwbandit (TKP)
Barbie59 (THS)
Splashies (THS)
Boxter (Team51)
Billyboots (Team51)
Young gun (THS)
Djblack04 (Team51)
Pomfrittes (TPT)
Madmoo (TPT)
Scouse red (TKP)
Lisar83 (THS)
Wynne1938 (THS)
Maxally (TKP VICE Capt)
Imber (Team51)
Pokertrev (TPT CAPTAIN)
Spornybol (TPT)
Shipdchips (THS)
Kiwini4u (TPT)
Chubbers (TPT)
Jaegerbomb (TKP on-field CAPT)
Drumahai05 (Team51)
Ploppy33 (TNP)
I did not see the Month Team League finished anywhere, from what monkey texed me the results, I worked out on a Peroni beer mat that TPT nicked it by 1 point!!! LOL !!
Well Done Trev & team & great month all !!
if table aint been done, I couldna see it, so i will do one & post here!!