TPT (Team Poker Trev)Champions of the Forum DTD Tourney, are making a serious bid for two Top Players for the forthcoming Forum DTD Tourney and are calling for all TPT Team players to back the bid by posting their support below.
Pokertrev the TPT Captain has made this announcement:
" I would like to make a bid for SOLACK & Dohhhhh to join TPTin a bold move to strengthen our championship winning team and ask Solack & Dohhhhh to seriously consider making the move to a Top Flight Team. Personally I think the two names look good in Red and they will be an asset to the team"
Yours Sincerely
Pokertrev (TPT Captain)
TPT - Take It As Red
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Red_King DTD reigning champion supports this move.
TPTers, if you see these players on your table, tell them what their missing.
TPT - Take it as RED
Oh, and wasn't Dohhhhhhh mentioned in iBluff leaving, he owes us one.
And his occasional forays in to TPT Forum thread hint he's interested, lol.
up the tpt,ers
TPT do not beg - we invite quality players to a quality team.
Come on Solly & Dohhhhhh Join the TPT Champions
DOHHHHHH has guested for us, and I would like to confim that our offer remains open to Paul & JJ!!
We fully respect their decision to either remain independant join another team or simply ignore all the attn that their Talent deserves!!
Sorry to post on your thread Trev!! But in the name of equilibrium I demand the opportunity LOLOL!!
ps!! It is ma Birthday today, and if feelin sorry for some one will help in the 'sought after ones' decision...
............then have a look at this.........Firstb 10 minutes of Sky Roller, [while i still got it in ma paste button]
ps Good luck with the recruitment campaign, I Canna blame ya there!!
TPT are making themselves look very desperate by publicly begging successful players to join IMO
And another very good reason why they should join us.
july results pending