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Omaha Tips - Five TSP Classic Seats to be won! + WINNERS

Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
edited July 2011 in Poker Chat

To celebrate the launch of James Hartigan's Monday Night Omaha club, we're giving away five TSP Classic seats to the best set of three tips posted on this thread by Friday 8th at 12noon.

Omaha is a great game so we think these tips will be really useful, especially to those looking to learn or develop their game.

We'll pick the winners on Friday afternoon and announce them on here.

So please post your three tips here, each one must be less than 30 words please.

Who's first with their three tips?...



  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited July 2011

      My Tip

      1/ go to Poker Clinic & Look up any of Talon's Threads on Omaha and you can't go wrong

      2/ On cash Omaha watch a table for 20mins b4 join

    ing to get an idea of the players

      3/  If you hit Trips on Flop bet big to get others off any straights or flushes

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2011

    1 - Play Position. - It's more important in PLO than NLHE. Playing out of position is a nightmare!!!

    2 - Don't overvalue big pocket pairs when deepstacked, they only play well if you can get a significant % of your stack in the middle pre flop.

    3 - Drawing to a non-nut hand in a multi way pot is gonna be fatal. In the words of the_don90, "let it go".
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited July 2011
    1. Remember, you must use TWO from your hand, and 3 of the five community cards to make the best hand possible, use the show hand description.

    2. AA is very beatable in Omaha

    3. It is no use trying to bluff on the flop
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited July 2011
    Opening Hands > Starting hand selection is vital - be disciplined.

    MAximum Aggression > "Pump it or dump it" - tend to bet/raise or fold, try to avoid calling unless you have a really good reason to.

    HAve Respect > Respect big bets/raises - bluffing is less frequent in Omaha, especially in multiway pots.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited July 2011
    1) post flop is more important in PLO, only raise pre with the top hands eg. AAJ10 double suited

    2) dont get attached to AA as it will rarely win unless your hu, so play it cheap unless you hit a set or have good connectors/Double suited with it

    3) PLO is a high variance game so do not play cash unless 30-40 Buy ins of the maximum as a minimum
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Omaha Tips - Five TSP Classic Seats to be won!:

    1) Understand your premium/strong hands in Omaha.....being dealt Quads or any trips are an instant fold and 4 cards of the same suit severely shortens your odds.

    2) Personalities, chip stack size and table position dictate play much more than the spots on the cards.

    3) It goes without saying, the player in position will generally lose small pots and win much bigger ones  
  • elldixon18elldixon18 Member Posts: 64
    edited July 2011

    1) By practicing disciplined hand selection we're aiming to flop the nuts/nut draws with re-draws to potentially be freerolling an opponent when all the money goes in.

    2) It doesn't pay to play sheriff (stop theives!) in Omaha. Give the opponent credit for what he represents if you want to win at this game long term.

    3) In PLO, build the pot early. By pot sized betting the flop and turn you're able to bet 9x the original pot size by the river - for value or bluffs!

  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited July 2011
    1.  Dont give it away that you've never played Omaha by typing " What are these extra 2 cards for?" in the chat box as soon as the first hand is dealt, that might be considered a bit of a tell 

    2.  When you're counting your outs against pot odds,   only count those cards which give you the nuts 

    3.  Bluffing very rarely works in Omaha
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited July 2011
    1.  Always shove the river v Tikay - he's a fish
    2.  If you find Greghogg playing hi lo it's your lucky day - he is hopeless
    3.  TommyD is a total luckbox at PLO avoid avoid avoid
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited July 2011
    1.... Be very selective with starting hands. A hand where all 4 cards are linked in some way has a huge edge over 3 great cards with one that is not relevant to the others.

    2..... Post flop always know why you are raising, are you trying to take the pot down? build the pot? get rid of some drawing hands? And take notice of the answers. (average opponents like calling with draws and raising with made hands)

    3..... Never overvalue a flush. Even the nut flush plays poorly if the board pairs.
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited July 2011
    My Omaha Top 3!

    1. Position in Omaha is more important than your cards! Position in PLO is more important than in HoldEm

    2. Bet to protect, if you flop a set, hope it is top set, same with flushes, nearly always they need to be nut flushes

    3. Paired board means FULL HOUSE!, lay down your flushes here unless you get very good reads, Tight is Right in Omaha

  • drumahai05drumahai05 Member Posts: 777
    edited July 2011

                                                1/    STOP
                                                2/    THINK
                                                               3/ ACT
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited July 2011
    1. Don't play if you're holding a dangler.

    2. Play with other people who are holding a dangler.

    3. Never play with Tikay, dangler or no dangler.

  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited July 2011
    1. Close Eyes
    2. Click Mouse
    3. Call a Deaf Dog and Hit The River, even though you were dealt absolute mince.

    These 3 tips will work a treat everytime when playing against me.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2011
    When your chasing a str8 make sure its the high end

    When your chasing a flush make sure its the nut flush (if not the str8 flush)

    Use a few more seconds on the timebar to make your decision on each play than you would in hold'em - your playing a combination of hands instead of one

  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited July 2011

    Good stuff, keep 'em coming!
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited July 2011
    Get to know your table - Play tightly at first. It will become apparent that there may be some less experienced players with you that may over value their starting hands e.g will be prepared to go all the way on 2 pair. These people may cause you headaches when Lady Luck houses them up upon occasion but on the whole when e.g you've flopped a big flush, you will get paid well against them the majority of the time. Find yourself on a table with a sky omaha reg - continue to play tight! 

    Tearing your hair out on the river In holdem? - you may be doing It alittle sooner In omaha. The turn can destroy you. That lovely flopped str8 can look a little poorly on the turn as a third flushing card hits. Be cautious. Made hands on the flop can turn sour and If the turn doesn't get you the river may well do.

    Don't be too hasty. Use the time given to run through the possibilities of the hands that may be out there especially In a multi way pot.

    These tips come courtesy of my bitter experience!! :)  (but I still love the game )
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited July 2011

    1) Before commencing playing Omaha, LEARN the different aspects of this variation of cards. Reading/watching tutorials is a must.

    2) Before playing for real cash, play some of the Omaha freeroll Tournaments which run on Sky Poker.

    3) Before playing on any of the CASH tables, ensure you are confident with your own Tournament play/understanding of the game.
  • GLifUloseGLifUlose Member Posts: 75
    edited July 2011
    1) Never fold preflop.  You have 4 cards and 6 times as many starting hands as in hold'em.  Make the most of this.  See lots of flops!

    2) Open limp your entire preflop starting hand range except for AAxx and 4 card broadway rundowns.  With these you should bet the POT LIMIT.  This strategy is unexploitable...

    3) When playing the streets the only options are give up and pot.  If you have the goods press the pot button and bet.  This means that if your opponents suck out on you on the turn or river that it was their mistake that won them the hand not yours.  If you don't have a made hand just check/fold.  Chasing draws makes you a fish.  And fish are bad...
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Omaha Tips - Five TSP Classic Seats to be won!:
    1) Never fold preflop.  You have 4 cards and 6 times as many starting hands as in hold'em.  Make the most of this.  See lots of flops! 2) Open limp your entire preflop starting hand range except for AAxx and 4 card broadway rundowns.  With these you should bet the POT LIMIT.  This strategy is unexploitable... 3) When playing the streets the only options are give up and pot.  If you have the goods press the pot button and bet.  This means that if your opponents suck out on you on the turn or river that it was their mistake that won them the hand not yours.  If you don't have a made hand just check/fold.  Chasing draws makes you a fish.  And fish are bad...
    Posted by GLifUlose

    Dya wanna game?  ;)
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