Is there anyway sky can take money out of my account to enter 3 players thats just lost in the 5.50 DYM I just played in, who got knocked out to enter them into a 2.25 DYM or 2.30 BH
I was tilting after being knocked out of the main and mini open and was shoving any c*ap and I do feel bad.
So if this is possible can someone let me know or a mod from sky get in touch with me please
the names are
Would be greatly appreciated cause how I conducted myself was wrong
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you're a good guy
You dont need to feel bad AT ALL!! You have done nothing wrong!!, you played the cards the way you felt like at the time. Its your money, you can do what you want!
Why offer to refund people! It don't make sense!
In fact, if you ever feel like playing like that again, shoving with any old nonsense and tilting, let me know which dym you are playing in and i will join you, because it will be easier for me to win. thanks!
haha Hangovers gonna hang tommy
nice gesture mate but wont happen many people have tried to do the same before for different reasons and it wouldnt be allowed