Manchester utd,liverpool,the all blacks and the springboks
These are all great teams,working hard for each other all in it together all sharing in each others success and sharing the rewards of that success.
poker however is not a team game so why do we have so many pretend teams on this site,what is the point of it all???
it is very nauseating and boring the **** out of me
are we all very sad and lonely individuals who need pretend online friends to fill a void???
does it make us feel wanted and accepted ???
Please explain because i dont know. Poker is a greedy individual game where you try to beat the **** out of every other player at the table.your winnings are your winnings and your losses likewise, if one of you won the sunday roller do you share it with all the other members of the team,i think not your not the hendon mob so stop all this nonsense and get back to being greedy selfish poker players.the way nature intended!!!!!!
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all we are diong is trying to have a little bit of fun which extends to live SPT events, i'm sorry if you find it not to your taste but that's the beauty of the forums ...........we all have our opinions
Any chance you can lay off the "hahahahahahaha's" when one of us goes bust though?
Much appreciated ;o))
You don't seem so sure to me Bobby Dazler ;o)))))
In short, it's not for everyone but there's no need to be insulting people about it. I gather there was a bit of drama recently but seems like it was an individual player rather than the team so whatevs.
Poker is full of little crews at all levels that help each other out in different ways, if they choose to put an actual name on it so be it. So long as they're not soft playing who cares?
Poker is full of little crews at all levels that help each other out in different ways, if they choose to put an actual name on it so be it. So long as they're not soft playing who cares?