I think for series 2 of the UK Cash Game Tikay should play.
It would be great to see the legend Tikay playing but also believe it would add tremendously to the table chat if he was sat there.
Not sure how many of his anecdotes would be broadcastable but it's a show I'd definitely like to see.
Would anyone else like to see this?
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Motorways , trains , buildings , bus routes noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I just couldnt take it
We have a general presnter play off on the 12th July at 8pm on the site. This will be recorded and go to air on the 20th July at 8pm.
At the table will be:
Ian Frazer
James Hartigan
Anna Fowler
Richard Orford
Carlo Citrone
Trevor Harris
More info coming soon .........
also meeeeeeeeeeeee (if anyone wants to stake me) i'll defo make it entertaining not just by playing shirtless
+1 for Tikay though.
Think it would be Great to watch Tikay in action
btw is it ok to Rail the Presenters/analysts on Tuesday 12th July @ 8pm
cheers Dan