I have just finished playing the 8.15pm deepie. I got to heads up against MADPATDOTC and after some tos & fros we were about even when my system went down. It took me some 5 minutes to get up and running again, by which time my chip stack had depleted somewhat. The 1st hand I saw on my return was AK so I went all in, he folded. He folded his small blind next and when I raised in the next hand he folded. Without either of us saying anything, this continued for a few minutes until I got my original stack back. I said that was enough. We then continued to battle until his K9 beat my KQ, he hit straight.
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One true gent writing and praising another true gent..............a credit to you both and hopefully noted by a very few others on how to behave and treat other fellow players.
Nice 1 Madpatato - I love dollie and would show him the same respect.
talking of which - If anyone was Heads Up in a main event, what player would you show this kind of respect to if they lost their connection?
My Choices:
If I was HU against Maxally - I would shove like a guddun!!! Lol
If I was HU against Tikay - I might wait a little -
What do you think?
Glad both of you gentlemen ran well and cashed 1st and 2nd, well deserved
and great to hear it still goes on