Just wanted to say a quick thanks to Sky for these.
Although not playing them at the moment (nitty BRM ftw!!) I have every intention of playing both in the near future. I think the £200's ought to be just about as popular as the £100's and expect the £75's to be even more popular. I just hope they get enough support so that they aren't taken away again.
Another step forward by Sky imo, keep up the good work guys!!!
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A bit steep for me at the moment. But im glad your happy JC.
But when i was playing a huge amount of dyms, i often wondered if they could bring in a £7.50 game, as sometimes £5.50 felt a bit low, but £11 felt a bit high for my roll at the time.
i kept forgetting to ask though! So... Please can you consider bringing in £7.50 dyms Sky... I might even go back to them.... hmmmmm