Earlier in the afternoon, Jack Eiffel introduced the players to the oldest player to have registered for the Main Event so far. My ears pricked, as I thought Tikay was supposed to be working, but it actually turns out they were talking about someone else. Here's the 91 year-old lass who is gracing us with her presence. It's her first ever live event, but it hasn't stopped from giving the tables a load of verbal, as well as having about $5000 in front of her in cold, hard cash. I think Tikay fancies her, but with that money she'll be after a toyboy... Posted by Sky_Dave
Shaun Deebs Grandma he actually wasn't joking he bought her in to the tourney mbn haha.... shes out btw she run top and bottom pair into middle set
In a 3-bet pot, he's heads-up to a flop of Q-J-T. Peter bets the flop and is raised. Peter makes it 13k to go, with about the same behind. He's called. Gulp.
Turn is an offsuit 7.
Peter quickly announces all in and the villain goes in to the tank for what feels like 20 minutes. Eventually he folds.
Andrew is trucking along very nicely too. 36.5k. He was still at the table when I asked him, so didn't really want to talk too much about the hands there, but he's purring.
Andrew got 99, which was an overpair to a baby flop. The turn gave him a flush draw and the river was obliged. That was handy as the other lad had QQ. He wasn't too happy about it, but Andrew was due a rub of the green after the AA and KK from earlier on.
Peter is just loving the Feature Table. Lights are hot but the table is well under control. Couple of aggro players on there but he's swerving them and picking up chips from the others. He's making it sound like such an easy game....
if Peter gets in a hand with Duhamel and he has Aces advise him to fold i mean everyone knows what happened last year when a guy got AA in a pot with Duhamel lol... on a serious note GL both looks like two day 2s locked up essentially
A few more interviews for you. Jeff Sarwer interests me as a character as he was a child prodigy at chess, much like me. * He also has an awesome set of sunglasses.
Claire has smoke coming off her fingers, these interviews are coming so thick and fast.
Here's a really interesting lady called Gillian Epp. What does she do? She plays live high stakes cash games, and actually licks her chops when the WSOP rolls in to town...
When I first started out playing poker, it was back in the days of Seasons 1 and 2 of the WPT. One or two players really stood out as an ideal way to carry yourself at the table, and one of them caught up with Tikay earlier on today.
He used to be a hairdresser too, don't you know...
^ Must be American
^ Mickey Rourke look
^ Needs bigger sunglasses
^ Piece of plastic for sunglasses, PLUS koala bear badge the size of his head
^ Yes, that's a dummy
^ Man dressed as a cow, obv.
Up, down, up, down...
Roughest part of the job without any doubt.
Shaun Deebs Grandma he actually wasn't joking he bought her in to the tourney mbn haha.... shes out btw she run top and bottom pair into middle set
In a 3-bet pot, he's heads-up to a flop of Q-J-T. Peter bets the flop and is raised. Peter makes it 13k to go, with about the same behind. He's called. Gulp.
Turn is an offsuit 7.
Peter quickly announces all in and the villain goes in to the tank for what feels like 20 minutes. Eventually he folds.
Not only does he fold, but he shows 9-8 face up.
Peter is on 45k or thereabouts.
What did Peter have or dont you know? AK I hope....
Peter - 44k
Andrew - 42k
Andrew got 99, which was an overpair to a baby flop. The turn gave him a flush draw and the river was obliged. That was handy as the other lad had QQ. He wasn't too happy about it, but Andrew was due a rub of the green after the AA and KK from earlier on.
Peter is just loving the Feature Table. Lights are hot but the table is well under control. Couple of aggro players on there but he's swerving them and picking up chips from the others. He's making it sound like such an easy game....
Back in 90 minutes.
Jeff Sarwer interview
Diogo 'Phounder' Veiga
James Keys and Rupert Elder with Tikay
Former chess players have the best wardrobes ever. Fact. **
* - mild overstatement.
** - and another.
Here's a really interesting lady called Gillian Epp. What does she do? She plays live high stakes cash games, and actually licks her chops when the WSOP rolls in to town...
Gillian Epp Interview
He used to be a hairdresser too, don't you know...
Mel Judah - Interview with Sky Poker