Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
I would like to begin by thanking you for taking an interest in this post, and congratulate you for such fine taste in four card card games...
Here's the deal...
1 X 10 seater £2.20 PLO
1 X 10 seater £2.20 PLO8
1st - 8pts 2nd - 6ts 3rd - 5pts 4th - 4pts 5th - 3pts 6th - 2pts 7th - 1pt
If three people register interest in the next 20-40mins I will open up a 10 seater £2.20 PLO game (I will post here be4 I register)...
Once I have registered those keen to join should also register and then post on here that they wish to take part in the league (the three original poster don't have to post again).
The PLO8 game will follow the conclusion of the PLO game.
Any questions should be directed to Maxally in Al's Bar.
God! I hope your out there Hitman...
0 ·
I will defo do the PLO one but I will defo not do the PLO8 one.
....and who are all these drunkards banging on my front door??
I confess, I had to look up how to spell hallelujah but as I flicked through the Dictionary ( Yes kids, one made from real can...touch it) at the top left corner something caught my eye...
hermaphrodite brig
n. a sailing vessel with two masts, rigged square on the foremast and the fore-and-aft on the aftermast. Also called: brigantine.
...and you will defo do the PLO8!
If it's any later i'll be out, got to get up flipping early tomorrow, on a sunday for flips sake, what's that all about ?
Oh and i'll try your plo and plo8 too
Right setting up £2.20 PLO...
...waitfor it...
IN....but you do realise it is only a 6 seater dont you Mr Darn sir?
Player NameChipsRankPrizeHeadsValueNo PlayersLoading... Quacka72000 MAXALLY2000 Darntootin2000 AcidMan272000 67Bhoys2000
God it's hard to get PLO going on here...over 10mins been sitting with 5...
Player NameChipsRankPrizeHeadsValueNo PlayersLoading... Quacka75575.50 67Bhoys2681.35 AcidMan272272.50 cats267111470.65 Darntootin05 MAXALLY06
Player NameChipsRankPrizeHeadsValueNo PlayersLoading... Darntootin2000 67Bhoys2000
AcidMan - 8pts
Cats - 6pts
Quacka - 5pts
67Bhoys - 4pts
Darn - 3pts
Maxy - 2pts
Big hugs and kisse to Quacka...thank you for playing...
...this is never gonna fill...2/4p PLO cash 67? about a £1.10 Russian Roulette SKY?
So well doe Acidman on 8 pts!
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u win nuffing...
Many thanx to Acid, 67, Max and of course the delightful Quack for playing...
I even donked a bottle of vino...
Was an enjoyable late night/early morning game anyway, even grumpy Quack Quack couldn't spoil it.