where this will be great tv to watch i think a place on tsp to the winner is not right 90 players have grinded hard for 3 months just to get in a torni to win a place on tsp and the presenters have to play 1 game and win a spot on tsp anyone else have a view on this matter
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These guys and girls are the public face ok sky poker so it makes good marketing sense to do these kind of promotions/games.
I understand your argument that it's a hard grind to qualify for a TSP place for the rest of us, but it's not interfering with the normal qualifiers.
If they didn't do this on Tuesday they wouldn't offer another seat up.
The presenters and analysts work hard too, ok they get paid to do their jobs but they still have to work for it.
If you did bink a seat from the 90 onto TSP, wouldn't you like Carlo/Anna/James et al to be on there with you???
nonsensical... this thread just wasted one minute of my sunday.
I think this will be a fun SNG to rail
I have my favourite... But i wont declare it here