Evening all.. The time draws ever nearer and I've been sneaking a look at this little beauty!!
As is becoming customary.. A large number of Sky Poker players will descend on the SPT casino du jour the evenng before the main event for a wee social and a warming up of the bar, tables and banter!!
The regular Friday eve tourney at Les Croups is the
£15 Freeze Out (£4 reg)4,000 chips.
I'm up for it.. Tikay is undoubtedly ALWAYS up for it (And maybe some poker too).. and Thewy and Hartigan might be up for it too..
How about you?
Long drive and need to get away early!!
Will try Princess!!! If not will see u later on
Drunken analysts, sounds like value there. Count me in
If you bust out early (like me usually) you can always nip downstairs and get yourself some complementary chicken wings and chips.
count joesman1 in as well
In Response to Who's up for the Friday night Tourny at Les Croupiers SPT??:
N1 Wynne!!
The HitSquad will be there in force!! I reckon maybe 9/10 !!
I Have A new Shirt to debut fri nite!!
The New SKY HitSquad Team Polo's will Have their debut Sat SPT day!!
I Will have a couple spare, Do you want me to give you one Lisa???
ps Congrats AUSSIE09, I wish you every success over the next three months, I hope you can represent both the HitSquad & Team Sky in These Tournies!! Well done Mate You deserve it!!!
I Know She is The TKP Princess Mate!!
Just Did not want her to feel left out, after Glama Anna had been given One!!
They are both bout the same size as The HitWife, so fit & size shouldna be a problem!!
I hope you didna think I was suggesting a Transfer ...or anything else for that matter!!!!
ps Killer Pool !! Great idea!!!
thanks dave