I no this sounds daft peeps but wouldnt it just be great fun as wel as bonkers if you ask me!
say £2.20 entry 6 way soon as you get your hand Automatically all in so kinda like roullete but wel much more luck is needed would be a great laugh if i say so myself ,
could call it?
would go down a treat i think
Anyone with me on thinking this be a good hit?
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But I need something faster for mi poker metabolism and besides Monkey123 would SMASH it every week as he is The Russian Roulette Deep Stack Specialist on this site, even if he does play them a Bit TOO Nitty!!!
Great for rake though so no doubt we will see it by Friday!!
Sorry but no i like to have Fun playing poker & to play me cards
and would be a great laugh to see 6 way all in and if u lose happy days only £2 lost there is no tournament of this kind on site bar the roullete but you have a choice in that matter this you would not, be great fun i may add
even if it may only be a 20 second entry from yourself
No Rebuy
No Addon just a straight tourney
winner takes all?
This is already in place - play any low level game - shove with a premium get called by all sorts of c rap which invariably double or triple hits
I'm not bitter ..... honest!
I think that this would be popular...
Even more so if you added Lower stakes options i.e 30p upwards.. (Nice way for people to try and spin your odd change into a higher buy in amount in quick time)
Agree with solar on rakes... so we may just see it.
Would i play it? Nope, not my cup of tea. Like the other comments, if im going to lose money id rather be to blame myself. If it does take off, I look forward to reading daily the Area 51 thread on it.
lmao but FYP
As already mentioned there is zero skill in these types of games.
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have them setup for people who want to play daft things like this though.