Hi All
I thought i'd start this thread as playing Bluffs is a part of Poker & something i'm still working on in my Cash Game (advice please) also maybe we could discuss the art of Bluffing to get a better understanding of it.
Feel Free to post any Successful Bluffs
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No but seriously you need to know who to bluff and who not to. it might sound obv but its really important , also if your playing 4nl, 8nl no one folds so bluffing there would be usless imo. picks your spots and oppponants carefully.
this is from a 4p/8p Table - - also it was a cery tight table
The opposite is more or less true for the in-experienced. As you rise through the tables you have to change ur methods.
Of course it is cash and people do like a gamble, O know good live players who will call £200 with bottom pair if they have an inkling they may be getting bluffed, so depends who ur playing too and no saying in-experienced players arnt higher up the ladder.
Key factors to consider:
1) Have a hand or tightish range of hands in your mind that you are representing and make your betting make sense for that range. On this point avoid trying to rep sets against unknown players (there's a reason why these pay off so well, so why would repping them work a lot of the time?).
2) Know your enemy. Know what your enemy knows of you. Are they likely to rebluff? Are they going to consider you to be a serial bluffer?
3) People like to call. You don't make any money from folding and people hate to let someone else get one over on them. This makes a random person more likely to look for a way to call you than to look for a way to fold. And as it's cash there is no tourney life so people can just call you to find out and reload. You have to convince them to fold while not making it look like you want them to fold. Tricky stuff eh?
4) If you get caught and your hand looks silly (and we all do get caught every now and again)don't be discouraged, just assess if your action would have worked enough times to make it profitable.
alias15 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £16.58 dblcyclop Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £21.35 Your hole cards 3 9 GT380 Call £0.20 £0.50 £18.77 GREGHOGG Raise £0.80 £1.30 £93.49 nottybay Fold alias15 Call £0.70 £2.00 £15.88 dblcyclop Call £0.60 £2.60 £20.75 GT380 Call £0.60 £3.20 £18.17 Flop 2 J 6 alias15 Check dblcyclop Check GT380 Check GREGHOGG Bet £1.80 £5.00 £91.69 alias15 Fold dblcyclop Call £1.80 £6.80 £18.95 GT380 Call £1.80 £8.60 £16.37 Turn A dblcyclop Check GT380 Check GREGHOGG Check River 7 dblcyclop Check GT380 Check GREGHOGG Bet £6.45 £15.05 £85.24 dblcyclop Fold GT380 Fold GREGHOGG Show 3 9 GREGHOGG Win £8.17 £93.41 GREGHOGG Return £6.45 £0.43 £99.86
Many thanks for your Advice (Very Helpful) i tend to use 4p/8p for practice & then move to 10p/20p which is where i'm comfortable at, tho i do play 5p/10p on MasterCash (saturdays) mainly to test myself against players like Greghogg & Dohhhhhhh plus have a bit of Fun with it
Raise pre is a no-no, if you want to raise with that hand it needs to be on button and also needs to be a LOT bigger imo, but obvz this is micro so danny raise with 710 lolz.
16p doesn't count as a cbet.
After 16p is called danny bet it again lolz.
Villian has 14 BB's behind so I'm utterly amazed this got through on river.
Play like this is a good way of burning money imo.
Finally if it was a tight table move tables and sit on the new table with a full stack.
Cheers Dude thanks for that m8 it makes a lot of sense ty
With regards to the topic of the thread, i try to focus more on bluff catching than bluffing myself.