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Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....

edited July 2011 in Poker Chat
I decided to grind these constantly yest, here's what happened!!!!

UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
DOHHHHHHH         142$1  $12  8%$151  -N/ASkyPoker<1Wk G=H NoLim Spd=T Double or Nothing SNG Onl

£5.50   =  51 /81

£11 = 37/61  (Including a run of 18/19!!)

Total = 88/142.....

Total Poker Points accumulated...405+610 = 1,015.


I've dabbled with dyms in the past, with moderate success, I'm just wondering how the above stats would compare to those of a regular dym grinder @ 5/10, in terms of ROI/Profit etc?

They were great fun, and that's by far the most poker points I'vever made in a day. They weren't as "soul destroying" as normal dyms, you don't have to fold for 20 mins to get to the next bubble, and if you're multi tabling them you don't really have time to tilt, or get P'd off.......

The games were filling really quickly, and even when I passed out at like 1/2am they were still running....

Not sure how often they will run on weekdays???

Might do it again!!! :)

Overall, great addition to the site, they're deffo here to stay. 

Now plzzzzzzzzzzzz reduce the rake ! ;) lol.


  • KnowlezKnowlez Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    I decided to grind these constantly yest, here's what happened!!!! Graph just for yest - Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter DOHHHHHHH           142 $1   $12   8% $151   - N/A SkyPoker <1Wk G=H NoLim Spd=T Double or Nothing SNG Onl £5.50   =   51   /81 £11 = 37/61  (Including a run of 18/19!!) Total = 88/142..... Total Poker Points accumulated...405+610 = 1,015. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'v e dabbl ed with dyms in th e past, with mod erat e succ ess, I'm just wond ering how th e abov e stats would compar e to thos e of a r egular dym grind er @ 5/10, in t erms of ROI/Profit  etc? Th ey w er e gr eat fun, and that's by far th e most pok er points I'v e  ev er mad e in a day. Th e y w er en't as "soul d estroying" as normal dyms, you don't hav e to fold for 20 mins to g et to th e n ext bubbl e, and if you'r e multi tabling th em you don't r eally hav e tim e to tilt, or g et P'd off....... Th e gam es w er e filling r eally quickly, and  ev en wh en I pass ed out at lik e 1/2am th ey w er e still running.... Not sur e how oft en th ey will run on w e ekdays??? Might do it again!!! :) Ov erall, gr eat addition to th e sit e, th ey'r e d effo h er e to stay.  Now plzzzzzzzzzzzz r educ e th e rak e ! ;) lol.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Nice work there how much profit was that about £150? Anyway i was looking a these last night but they seem a bit of a shove fest and minimal skill to mkae  good profit from. I admit normal dym's can drag on but was just wondering if these are easy enough to mka profit from consistently
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    In Response to Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results..... : Nice work there how much profit was that about £150? Anyway i was looking a these last night but they seem a bit of a shove fest and minimal skill to mkae  good profit from. I admit normal dym's can drag on but was just wondering if these are easy enough to mka profit from consistently
    Posted by Knowlez
    Time will tell......

    Think "Acegooner" did some calculations yest, and 2,000 games would be around 1k rakeback with priority @ 44%, so that's like what I did yest, x 16/17 days a month.

    If I win the same amount, that wud be around £1.4k profit, totalling about 2.5k a month overall.

    So for 16/17 days play a month, or more/less depending on how long your sessions are, you can make 2.5k ££££

    Obv I'm too lazy to ever do that, just speculating.

    There's deffo an edge to be found playing them, it's just not very big! lol
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    I've played quite a few dyms and decided to give the new turbo dyms a go.

    1k starting stack & 2min blinds is a bit scary, but for some strange reason I really liked them, theres no time for boredom to set and you don't have time to fold for 45mins.

    Not quite the shove fest I thought it was going to be either, but it probably is best to get them all in with premium hands unless you've already doubled up.

    Need to play a few more to gain an edge but my verdict is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I like them.
  • Ozzie08Ozzie08 Member Posts: 963
    edited July 2011
    I h8 DYM but these are gr8, shame there back in speed tab, taking 4 days 2 fill now, sigh

    Nice grinding JJ tbf u did run golden v the ozz last night
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited July 2011
    I like them.,

    I played one £5 turbo dym and cashed, it seemed pretty soft compared to cash.

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    In Response to Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results..... : Nice work there how much profit was that about £150? Anyway i was looking a these last night but they seem a bit of a shove fest and minimal skill to mkae  good profit from. I admit normal dym's can drag on but was just wondering if these are easy enough to mka profit from consistently
    Posted by Knowlez
    46.5% to be precise dohhhh! Good run you had but I was being nosy and looked at your scope graph for dyms there seemed to be a lot of variance, so I would sample 1000 games before you are sure about making money.

    But as with the hu games there are some terrible players, I have seen players shove with q10 in early position when the blinds where 25/50 and they had 15 bigs!

    JJ you must remember that if they reduce the rake then the c4p is less but agreed overall profit will be up.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited July 2011
    I loved it! big +1 to reduce rake

    I dont look at speed or normal dym they are in highlighted section on all which seem to fill within few minutes

    great addition to site i did ok at them yesterday too and they are great fun :)

    ran into dohhhh alot which meant ez money too ;)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    I loved it! big +1 to reduce rake I dont look at speed or normal dym they are in highlighted section on all which seem to fill within few minutes great addition to site i did ok at them yesterday too and they are great fun :) ran into dohhhh alot which meant ez money too ;)
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    This is what I was doing too....

    filter to "all" and the 5s and 10s were in the highlighted section at the top, I hope they stay there, forever, not just the trial period.

    I found out this morning that 1's and 2's are also available, I didn't know this yest just thought it was 5.50 and 11's....
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    Just thought I would add to my calculations so that people can see what the rakeback is like when they play volume at the £10 buyin level:

    1000 games = 10000 c4p or £275 (£343 for priority) 27.5%/34.3% rakeback
    2000 games = 20000 c4p or £750 (£937.50 for priority) 37.5%/46.8% rakeback
    2400 games = 24000 c4p or £1000 (£1250 for priority) 41.6%/52.0% rakeback
    2800 games = 28000 c4p or £1250 (£1562 for priority) 44.6%/55.7% rakeback

    Two tabling you can easily play 8 an hour. So 2000 games is acheivable. If you play 8 tables a time like dohhh did yesterday the sky is the limit!

    Now I was looking at various rakeback schemes across the market and most of them dont get anywhere near 50%, so I take back what I said about sky and agree that this is indeed a scheme that rewards the most loyal players.

    Note these are games that have to be played each month.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2011
    Oooooops, they've been taken out of the highlighted section, i'd imagine this slows them rightttttttttttt down...........

    Anyone playing this afto noticed if it has??
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    Oooooops, they've been taken out of the highlighted section, i'd imagine this slows them rightttttttttttt down........... Anyone playing this afto noticed if it has??
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

       What i have noticed is when you finish a fiver one and click to go to next tourney it offers you a speed sng NOT a turbo dym. Happened to me twice on trot.
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    Oooooops, they've been taken out of the highlighted section, i'd imagine this slows them rightttttttttttt down........... Anyone playing this afto noticed if it has??
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    nah I think its caught on, loads of tables playing.
  • murray69murray69 Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    there ace, ive played 6 won 6 today so far :)

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    i take back what I said its died. Can someone at sky get their finger out ffs.
  • PiAnOpLaYaPiAnOpLaYa Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2011
    How do you refine your search on sharkscope so much? do pay for the useage?
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Turbocharged DYM experiment/Results.....:
    How do you refine your search on sharkscope so much? do pay for the useage?
    Posted by PiAnOpLaYa
    Yeah if you subscribe you can analyse sit and go stats over set periods of time, number of games, different speeds and different types as dohhh has done.
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