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can any1 help me

biggunsmebiggunsme Member Posts: 18
edited July 2011 in Poker Chat
erm ryt where do i start lol,i am new here and yes even tho  show a profit i am a little concerned to say the least at how and the manner i keep getting bad beats so to speak.firstly i was in cash table with pocket qs the flop cam down 4 2 10 got raised so i re raised and got put all in i had 90% of my chips in so was calling all day he turned cards over he had aq nothing at this point but hit runner runner for a flush 4 an 80 pound the another cash game i hit a pair of aces and was a head yet lost another 30 pot to runner runner another flush then i had 77 agenst the same persons ak and all in after flop nothing there to wrry my hand yet he hit a k on river 4 another 30 pound pot needless to say i left the cash tables.Then wen i was in qualifier 4 the  mini roller 3 people got a seat a made a bad call fair enough but next hand had pocket ks all in he called with 74 hearts yes he hit a flush so tht was me out of tht in 4th then i was in the mini primo had aq flop 8 q 3 sumit like tht a new a had best hand called all in then he turns pocket 10s guess wot he hits the 10 on the turn then very next hand a get ak all in pre flop got a call with kq hit the king on flop then on river he hits a q aswell to put me out,next was the primo didnt get many cards but a pushed from button with a9 got called with a8 yes u guessed he hit the 8 and put me out in 33rd just behing the money.Then to top things of i played a 5.75 bh was doing well think i played well down to the last 4 i have pocket js was sitting in second place got called and he turned over kj a must win but no river a k haved my stack then the was 3 i got aq 3 handed all in i folded the other called with k2 yes u guessed agen he hit the 2 unbelievable.As u can see i was a head every time in these big hands and ended up getting beat but more to the point it was at the bussiness end or money end of these tournements or big pots in side tables either way am sure i person would not have this many bad beats in 1 day i think i was harshly treated by the software to suffer this can any1 shed sum light on this 4 me plz as i am left feeling a little sick lol thanks hope to get reasonable answers and not ones consisting of oh its card riggin a dnt think i believe tht.

Thanks to PokerTrev for his amendments to the original post

OK Peeps - the original OP is new here, its a little untidy, so I have fixed his post below to make it a little more understandable.

Lets see if we can help a little.

"erm right where do i start lol,

I am new here and yes even tho I show a profit I am a little concerned to say the least at how and the manner I keep getting bad beats so to speak. Firstly i was in cash table with pocket qs the flop cam down 4 2 10 got raised so i re raised and got put all in i had 90% of my chips in so was calling all day, he turned cards over he had aq nothing at this point but hit runner runner for a flush 4 an 80 pound.

In another cash game i hit a pair of aces and was ahead yet lost another 30 pot to runner runner, another flush.

Then i had 77 agenst the same persons ak and all in after flop, nothing there to worry my hand yet he hit a k on river 4 another 30 pound pot, needless to say i left the cash tables.

Then when i was in qualifier 4 the mini roller, 3 people got a seat I made a bad call fair enough, but next hand had pocket ks all in, he called with 74 hearts, yes he hit a flush so that was me out of that in 4th.

Then i was in the mini primo had aq flop 8 q 3 sumit like that I new I had the best hand called all-in, then he turns pocket 10s, guess wot he hits? The 10 on the turn. Then very next hand I get ak all-in pre flop, got a call with kq, hit the king on flop, then on river he hits aq aswell to put me out.

Next was the primo, didnt get many cards but a pushed from button with a9, got called with a8, yes u guessed, he hit the 8 and put me out in 33rd just behing the money. Then to top things off i played a 5.75 bh, was doing well, think i played well down to the last 4, i have pocket js and was sitting in second place, got called and he turned over kj, I must win? but no river a k, halved my stack. Then the was 3, I got aq 3 handed all-in I folded, the other called with k2, yes u guessed again he hit the 2 unbelievable.

As u can see i was a head every time in these big hands and ended up getting beat, but more to the point it was at the bussiness end or money end of these tournements or big pots in side tables. Either way I am sure a person would not have this many bad beats in 1 day.

I think i was harshly treated by the software to suffer this. Can any1 shed sum light on this 4 me plz as i am left feeling a little sick lol thanks.

Hope to get reasonable answers and not ones consisting of, "oh its card riggin a dont think a believe that"


  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited July 2011
    I gave up trying to read all of that after the first four lines.

    I will say this though, bad beats happen in poker, it's part of the game. No matter what online site you play on, or which casino you're playing in.

    You're upset when they happen to you which is understandable, but you feel relieved and happy when the shoes on the other foot.

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited July 2011
    Yeah it is tricky to read.

    What I will say is that you state that you dont believe online poker is rigged.  If this is your belief then you know it can only be bad luck and variance.  So you kind of have to move on from it.

    But I would go back and pull apart the hands to see if there was anything you could improve upon.

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited July 2011

    Could I suggest you post some of the hands in the Poker Clinic, you should get some really good answers too :)
  • biggunsmebiggunsme Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    I gave up trying to read all of that after the first four lines. I will say this though, bad beats happen in poker, it's part of the game. No matter what online site you play on, or which casino you're playing in. You're upset when they happen to you which is understandable, but you feel relieved and happy when the shoes on the other foot.
    Posted by AcidMan27[/QUacidman ur reply has nothing to do with wot i wrote in you cannit be bothered to read it then why reply as you are replying in the wrong context thanks anyway tho
  • biggunsmebiggunsme Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    Hi Could I suggest you post some of the hands in the Poker Clinic, you should get some really good answers too :)
    Posted by acebarry10
    yeah a cud do am just getting used to using this bit lol but wen a get up to speed and learn how to use it properly i will thanks
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    If its possible you can post some of the hands we could analyse them for you.

    From what I read, you seam to be committing an awful lot of chips too early with just paired hands or getting them all in when you are short stacked. As you are aware pairs are the lowest hand you can have in poker and are easily beat.

    Being short stacked is always going to provoke a call from a big stack with any 2 cards also.

    Start making standard bets - raise 2-3 x pre-flop with pairs, reassess the flop, if you think you are still ahead, try a 3/4 pot size bet and see if theres any action, then reassess the situation on the turn.

    Don't commit too many of your chips until after the turn and only if you think you are ahead, if you are not taking the pot down with standard bet sizes by the turn card, the likelihood is your pair is behind.

    Don't over value your pairs and be prepared to fold and let it go.

    GL at the tables  
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    I nearly suffocated after trying to read that out loud.......
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited July 2011

    If you could break up the massive block of text with some paragraphs it would be alot easier to read.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    OK Peeps - the original OP is new here, its a little untidy, so I have fixed his post below to make it a little more understandable.

    Lets see if we can help a little.

    "erm right where do i start lol,

    I am new here and yes even tho I show a profit I am a little concerned to say the least at how and the manner I keep getting bad beats so to speak. Firstly i was in cash table with pocket qs the flop cam down 4 2 10 got raised so i re raised and got put all in i had 90% of my chips in so was calling all day, he turned cards over he had aq nothing at this point but hit runner runner for a flush 4 an 80 pound.

    In another cash game i hit a pair of aces and was ahead yet lost another 30 pot to runner runner, another flush. 

    Then i had 77 agenst the same persons ak and all in after flop, nothing there to worry my hand yet he hit a k on river 4 another 30 pound pot, needless to say i left the cash tables.

    Then when i was in qualifier 4 the mini roller, 3 people got a seat I made a bad call fair enough, but next hand had pocket ks all in, he called with 74 hearts, yes he hit a flush so that was me out of that in 4th.

    Then i was in the mini primo had aq flop 8 q 3 sumit like that I new I had the best hand called all-in, then he turns pocket 10s, guess wot he hits? The 10 on the turn. Then very next hand I get ak all-in pre flop, got a call with kq, hit the king on flop, then on river he hits aq aswell to put me out.
    Next was the primo, didnt get many cards but a pushed from button with a9, got called with a8, yes u guessed, he hit the 8 and put me out in 33rd just behing the money. Then to top things off i played a 5.75 bh, was doing well, think i played well down to the last 4, i have pocket js and was sitting in second place, got called and he turned over kj, I must win? but no river a k, halved my stack. Then the was 3, I got aq 3 handed all-in I folded, the other called with k2, yes u guessed again he hit the 2 unbelievable.

    As u can see i was a head every time in these big hands and ended up getting beat, but more to the point it was at the bussiness end or money end of these tournements or big pots in side tables. Either way I am sure a person would not have this many bad beats in 1 day.

    I think i was harshly treated by the software to suffer this. Can any1 shed sum light on this 4 me plz as i am left feeling a little sick lol thanks.

    Hope to get reasonable answers and not ones consisting of, "oh its card riggin a dont think a believe that"
  • biggunsmebiggunsme Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    OK Peeps - the original OP is new here, its a little untidy, so I have fixed his post below to make it a little more understandable. Lets see if we can help a little. "erm right where do i start lol, I am new here and yes even tho I show a profit I am a little concerned to say the least at how and the manner I keep getting bad beats so to speak. Firstly i was in cash table with pocket qs the flop cam down 4 2 10 got raised so i re raised and got put all in i had 90% of my chips in so was calling all day, he turned cards over he had aq nothing at this point but hit runner runner for a flush 4 an 80 pound. In another cash game i hit a pair of aces and was ahead yet lost another 30 pot to runner runner, another flush.  Then i had 77 agenst the same persons ak and all in after flop, nothing there to worry my hand yet he hit a k on river 4 another 30 pound pot, needless to say i left the cash tables. Then when i was in qualifier 4 the mini roller, 3 people got a seat I made a bad call fair enough, but next hand had pocket ks all in, he called with 74 hearts, yes he hit a flush so that was me out of that in 4th. Then i was in the mini primo had aq flop 8 q 3 sumit like that I new I had the best hand called all-in, then he turns pocket 10s, guess wot he hits? The 10 on the turn. Then very next hand I get ak all-in pre flop, got a call with kq, hit the king on flop, then on river he hits aq aswell to put me out.   Next was the primo, didnt get many cards but a pushed from button with a9, got called with a8, yes u guessed, he hit the 8 and put me out in 33rd just behing the money. Then to top things off i played a 5.75 bh, was doing well, think i played well down to the last 4, i have pocket js and was sitting in second place, got called and he turned over kj, I must win? but no river a k, halved my stack. Then the was 3, I got aq 3 handed all-in I folded, the other called with k2, yes u guessed again he hit the 2 unbelievable. As u can see i was a head every time in these big hands and ended up getting beat, but more to the point it was at the bussiness end or money end of these tournements or big pots in side tables. Either way I am sure a person would not have this many bad beats in 1 day. I think i was harshly treated by the software to suffer this. Can any1 shed sum light on this 4 me plz as i am left feeling a little sick lol thanks. Hope to get reasonable answers and not ones consisting of, "oh its card riggin a dont think a believe that"
    Posted by POKERTREV
    thank you very much trev am wasnt the best at english wen a was a boy at school lol but very helpful of u and thanks agen and to ur previous mail i will post or send you the hands to look at and maybe u can help me out
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    OK Peeps - the original OP is new here, its a little untidy, so I have fixed his post below to make it a little more understandable. Lets see if we can help a little. "erm right where do i start lol, I am new here and yes even tho I show a profit I am a little concerned to say the least at how and the manner I keep getting bad beats so to speak. Firstly i was in cash table with pocket qs the flop cam down 4 2 10 got raised so i re raised and got put all in i had 90% of my chips in so was calling all day, he turned cards over he had aq nothing at this point but hit runner runner for a flush 4 an 80 pound. In another cash game i hit a pair of aces and was ahead yet lost another 30 pot to runner runner, another flush.  Then i had 77 agenst the same persons ak and all in after flop, nothing there to worry my hand yet he hit a k on river 4 another 30 pound pot, needless to say i left the cash tables. Then when i was in qualifier 4 the mini roller, 3 people got a seat I made a bad call fair enough, but next hand had pocket ks all in, he called with 74 hearts, yes he hit a flush so that was me out of that in 4th. Then i was in the mini primo had aq flop 8 q 3 sumit like that I new I had the best hand called all-in, then he turns pocket 10s, guess wot he hits? The 10 on the turn. Then very next hand I get ak all-in pre flop, got a call with kq, hit the king on flop, then on river he hits aq aswell to put me out.   Next was the primo, didnt get many cards but a pushed from button with a9, got called with a8, yes u guessed, he hit the 8 and put me out in 33rd just behing the money. Then to top things off i played a 5.75 bh, was doing well, think i played well down to the last 4, i have pocket js and was sitting in second place, got called and he turned over kj, I must win? but no river a k, halved my stack. Then the was 3, I got aq 3 handed all-in I folded, the other called with k2, yes u guessed again he hit the 2 unbelievable. As u can see i was a head every time in these big hands and ended up getting beat, but more to the point it was at the bussiness end or money end of these tournements or big pots in side tables. Either way I am sure a person would not have this many bad beats in 1 day. I think i was harshly treated by the software to suffer this. Can any1 shed sum light on this 4 me plz as i am left feeling a little sick lol thanks. Hope to get reasonable answers and not ones consisting of, "oh its card riggin a dont think a believe that"
    Posted by POKERTREV
    Thanks for doing this Trev, I have now attached your amended version to the opening post.

    Steve AKA ModKiwini
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me : Thanks for doing this Trev, I have now attached your amended version to the opening post. Steve AKA ModKiwini
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    N1 ModKiwini.

  • biggunsmebiggunsme Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    If its possible you can post some of the hands we could analyse them for you. From what I read, you seam to be committing an awful lot of chips too early with just paired hands or getting them all in when you are short stacked. As you are aware pairs are the lowest hand you can have in poker and are easily beat. Being short stacked is always going to provoke a call from a big stack with any 2 cards also. Start making standard bets - raise 2-3 x pre-flop with pairs, reassess the flop, if you think you are still ahead, try a 3/4 pot size bet and see if theres any action, then reassess the situation on the turn. Don't commit too many of your chips until after the turn and only if you think you are ahead, if you are not taking the pot down with standard bet sizes by the turn card, the likelihood is your pair is behind. Don't over value your pairs and be prepared to fold and let it go. GL at the tables  
    Posted by POKERTREV
    hi trev its it possible u can help me here ave tryed postin a few hands unsuccessfully and am abit stuck now as the suit of the cards are not on thanks
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me : hi trev its it possible u can help me here ave tryed postin a few hands unsuccessfully and am abit stuck now as the suit of the cards are not on thanks
    Posted by biggunsme
    Hi biggunsme.
    Follow these instructions below - I usually use internet explorer, seams to work best.
    Looks a bit dodgy when you first paste it as you can't see the suits, but once you click "Submit" or "Save Post", it should upload ok.
    Posts: 2525
    First: 29/6/2009
    Last: 18/7/2011
    Hiya, you go to the tab "My Sky Poker", then to "Hand History". Here you can search through any format of the game Cash, STT or MTT and the time bracket the hand was played in. Once you have the hand click on "Details" to open it up then highlight as much as you want and click copy followed by paste on the relevent thread.

    Hope this makes it clear. :)
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited July 2011

    N1 TREV great to see someone help out in that way ,
    topman you .

    yooo biggunsme ,
    i will send your some bullets for those guns of yours via pm .
    so check your inbox / profile page in a few mins .
    Happy shooting .

    DENIS .

  • biggunsmebiggunsme Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: can any1 help me:
    N1 TREV great to see someone help out in that way , topman you . yooo biggunsme , i will send your some bullets for those guns of yours via pm . so check your inbox / profile page in a few mins . Happy shooting . DENIS .
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    cheers for the help fella
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited July 2011
    all the help above is great to see it's what makes the community on Sky Poker head and shoulders above the rest
    and long may it continue
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