In Response to Re: Ed? : Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, good to hear from you Ed, PLEASE GET THIS MAN BACK SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by JohnConnor
C AND PEED FROM THE OTHER THREAD. He became best mates with Biggins, won a reality show and now has no time for us little people hahaha ;-) Posted by NoseyBonk LOL, Good answer Nosey, could not be further from the truth but good answer all the same. Biggins is a very good bloke though. The actual answer is I would love to be part of the team again at some point. I was told I would be having a break from presenting duties, this was back in March, since then the current team have been providing fresh ideas and making good shows. I am in close contact with the powers that be at Skypoker hq, they know I am very keen to return and am available. Always keep an eye on things, nice work HUrsty, may the great form continue, I look forward to serving you all again soon. Posted by tedgiddzo
thanks ted... and if you see Ed Giddins see if you can persuade him to return soon.
+1 - I really looked forward when Ed was on - I think I liked the fact that he opened up debate about the best way to play a situation and got a lot of feedback on the live feed which he discussed and it wasn't necessarily this is the right way or wrong way to play the hand. Sorry for rambling - hope this makes sense.
bring him back
+1 need ed back not as entertaing or informative without him
Hope to see you back doing shows again soon.