Upon watching channel 865 sky poker tv (24/7) you always hear people saying theyd love to beat Phill Hellmuth, personaly he's my favorite player everyone has a bad beat and tells there freinds behind there back why did he call yet Phill simply riducles them to their face and rightly so.....HE CALLED THE RAISE WITH A QUEEN 10!
Anyone in the same boat as me?
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What gives him the right to ridicule someone?, he didnt pay for them to enter, they have every right to call with what they wish too, sorry, but bad beats are part of the game.
I think many people dont get that alot of it is forced image.
But on top of that, he has to lie in the bed he has made.
We have a guy who predicted he would be the youngest ever ME winner and achieved it.
Its his sense of entitlement and ego that hold him back. If he conducted himself in a manner that was expected of a world champion, he would receive the adulation and respect he craves. But by perpetuating the poker brat image, he makes of himself a target for ridicule and scorn. But equally, this target makes him ALOT OF MONEY, so I love it.
He certainly isnt the best player. But statisctically he is the most accomplished player of all time, which feeds his sense of ego.. Also now that he is improving his stats in non NLHE games he should be given even more credit.
People love to misunderstand the guy, saying he is outdated. I'd wager he;d take the vast majority who believe this to school :P
I like Phil, his passion for the game after all these years is incredible!!!
His analysis is usually horrendous as well.
If you are going to be that cocky then you need to show why you are that cocky every now and again.
- It's hard to argue with his track record in tournament hold'em.
- It's hard not to laugh watching him apply tournament hold'em strategy on cash tables.
- The blow ups.
- Because every game needs it's villain.
Why do people dislike Phil Hellmuth?
- Lack of humility when winning or losing.
- Unnecessarily trying to run other players down as donks because he doesn't agree with the way they play/they suck out on him. Whatever - they paid their way in, they can play how they like.
- The fact he thinks everything he says has to become a soundbite.
Me? I think he's a quality hold'em player who provides the poker scene with a character to talk about. Love him or hate him, at least he makes the place a bit more interesting.
i like him.
I like him(not dohhhh PH) i think he's entertaining although delusional
because he is an egomaniac
because he is a media wh*re
because he shows such disrespect to other players