When the flop is double suited, the probability of the turn card being the same suit is 11 in 47 (or 23.4%).
Over the last day or two I counted 80 instances of double suited flops, and the turn card completed the flush possibility no less than 46 times (a staggering 57.5%).
I only did this sad-**** study because it did seem way too often this was happening, oh and lo and behold they always happen to have the 2 diamonds in their hand, which actually decreases the probability to 20%!
Is it just me, or is nearly three times the statistical probability a little too excessive?
Just a freak, or is there a problem with this RNG?
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From my own personal experience, i've hit it less times that I care to remember, but when I have hit it, it has had massive rewards.
Does your study include the chances of hitting the flush on the River also?
you do realise that you need a sample of hundreds of thousands, or even millions, for variance to start to even out.
Anyway I just did the same thing again and it didnt happen again.. You get the point.
I've seen this discussed on different forums and that was not what most people seemed to think (not about this site though). I dont know, wouldnt make sense to me that they be all there waiting to be dealt rather than just randomised at every street s hand is played. Not saying your wrong debs, just read elsewhere it worked differently, obv it could work differently for differerent sites