Carlos Valderama's hair cut! conterfeited from the Mc Cann brothers Scousers sketch has to be the most entertaining thing to come from Columbia. I went to the world cup in 1994 and Trevor should learn from Andres Escobar! pack a body vest. learn spanish and have his ransom money ready in advance! They do make nice coffee but be careful of that white powder! it's probably not sugar!
Clutching at straws here!!
or maradonna as a footballer the best i've seen along with maldini one of the finest centre backs ever!!!!
I'd break it gently, but you need to tell Trev Colombo died last week!
Nice one - I,ll play the TSP classic on Monday pls
To be honest I thought it was between Maradonna and Pele
Just out of interest who does Trev rate the best footy player of all time ?
One fact from Columbia - They take their football v.serioulsy - Isn,t that where one of their players got shot for not playing well in the World Cup?
I hope its more interesting than the Copa America Trev as that was some of the most boring football i,ve ever seen
ask Trev how many times Columbia have been in the World Cup?
A. 4
p.s as you can see i really want this seat.. D
I went to the world cup in 1994 and Trevor should learn from Andres Escobar! pack a body vest. learn spanish and have his ransom money ready in advance!
They do make nice coffee but be careful of that white powder! it's probably not sugar!
why are you to columbia (college usa) to watch u20 american football - thought that would be james hartigan thing ??
In Colombia The average criminal sentence length is 137 years
Hi Rich, Trev
Would it be possible to post on here who the winners were please?
also rene higita of scorpion kick fame, could go round the capital on his motorbike and do as he pleased as he was a close friend of pablo escobar
My best travel advice for Trevor is
Dont ask where is the best place to sit to see someone from England score.
On another note, Chris Columbus did direct the first POTTER film
The nearest island to Columbia is Tobago, and anagram of Bogota, its capital
Have fun Trev
See you in Nottingham Rich