would like to say thanks to sky and all players at the SPT for a very enjoyable weekend.
TKP once again outstanding. Looked after me as always (considering i need looking after thats an achievement lol)
67Bhoys outstanding guy. Really helped me loads this weekend off the table.
And all others really made the weekend feel amazing on and off the tables.
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Hope you had a +ve weekend? Socially + financially.
Who knew quintuple straddles were -ev?
Don and Bendog, great to meet you guys, hope to catch you and everyone else at Nottingham.
Also can you confirm what you said to me on friday night? About me being a nit.
Bendog was great to share your company aswell. That cash table was awesome. (nice bink btw mate) lol. House over house with 53 v 33 FTW. Gotaa love it. Fully enjoyed it. Serious -EV on my part being on that table, but i couldnt resist not playing.
Im telling you its a conspiracy
Had a great weekend too , pity about the cards , but at least myself and 67bhoys got to have a look at your game ( not too shady ) , next time we go breakfast will be on you . also need to mention donkeyplop as a great railer and drinker, and to Bendog40 , Hail hail sorry we could not make sundays celtic game with you
English only on The Forum TOOO PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DP was a fantastic railer and was suprisingly cool when i stummbled in waking him up around 6am.
And who wants to watch the celtic game anyways, the real one was missed by all on saturday
Also hitman ill pm you later on tonight about our little challenge.