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im pretty sure i heard that nadia out of the american pie films is a poker player , just be sure to turn the webcam off !!Posted by unbpower
LML if my fave but Im gonna push the bounderies here (not actually a poker player) but Leeann Tweeden who hosts poker after dark, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
James, who's the female poker player that's friends with Ben Wilinofsky. They were interviewed together after his exit from the EPT Grand Final.Posted by Mohican
In Response to Re: Tidiest poker chick out there? : Melanie Weisner.Posted by J-Hartigan
LML if my fave but Im gonna push the bounderies here (not actually a poker player) but Leeann Tweeden who hosts poker after dark, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Vicki Coren - she even done the dishes before she left the other morning! ;-)
Kara Scott is a stoater though and would be great company as well.