I cashed in the 19:15 Deep Stack, finishing 11th for £3.40. Woo-hoo!
Once again, I was eliminated by a non-DTD player (KJ<AK). So, even though I've played twelve tournaments over the last four weeks, there are currently only five names in the hat:
See you in next week's Forum DTD (when I'll be playing from Barcelona). It will be your last chance to earn a bounty bonus for busting me!
I've registered for all three tournaments and am looking forward to playing the Forum DTD this evening. This week is your last chance to earn a Bounty Bonus.
Please note: The quality / strength of the wi-fi network in my hotel is best described by a four-letter word which I'm not allowed to use on this forum. So, don't be shocked if I'm occasionally sat out / disconnected...
Also, as I'm playing on my laptop, I'll occasionally be using Mini View.
Greetings from Barcelona! I've registered for all three tournaments and am looking forward to playing the Forum DTD this evening. This week is your last chance to earn a Bounty Bonus. Please note: The quality / strength of the wi-fi network in my hotel is best described by a four-letter word which I'm not allowed to use on this forum. So, don't be shocked if I'm occasionally sat out / disconnected... Also, as I'm playing on my laptop, I'll occasionally be using Mini View. Posted by J-Hartigan
I'm guessing the four letter word wouldn't be "good" then...
Hopefully get my name in the hat again tonight, GL all
Nearly made the final table of the 19:15 Deep Stack.
Finished 8th for £14.32 after losing a flip (KQ<77) to...
Well done, Alan! (Yes, he continues to run golden.) His name will go into the hat, along with the following:
The draw will be made this coming Sunday (4th September) on the live show on channel 865. One of these seven players will win free entry to the £110 Sky Roller tournament on Thursday 8th September...
thx for this james......but im pretty sure we all know whos name is being pulled out of the hat dont we......whos running the hottest atm????elsa......so u can gurantee his name is coming out lol
And that's it from me for this week...and this month. I'll be back in September with a new Monday-night competition (related to the DTD). I'll post the details on the forum in the next few days. For now, it's good night from Spain! Posted by J-Hartigan
James just like to thank you for including the Forum DTD in your PTP nights, and for the added extra that this has brought to Monday nights.
In Response to Re: Forum DTD Bounty Bonus! (***WIN FREE ENTRY TO THE SKY ROLLER***) : James just like to thank you for including the Forum DTD in your PTP nights, and for the added extra that this has brought to Monday nights. Posted by scouse_red
8th, 29th, 67th not bad spose!!
GG all !!
DTD = Great fun!
dtwbandit and scouse red should get a free name in the hat dont you think? :-)
hopefully your 88 wont hold up next time vs my Ak :-))
gg mr J
Hi All
Please post Here if you wanna take part in tonights Forum DTD gl all
Quality..........street, made for sharing!!
you do seem to get alot of mis-posts on here!!
In Response to Re: Forum DTD Bounty Bonus! (***WIN FREE ENTRY TO THE SKY ROLLER***): James just like to thank you for including the Forum DTD in your PTP nights, and for the added extra that this has brought to Monday nights.
Hi James
Would just like to say a Big Thank You for adding this to Forum DTD it certainly has brought a bit of Spice to it & GL to All that are in the Draw