Fairly new and just play one table at the moment. However, the DTD looks like fun. Did try 2 x tables when I first started and and found it a right mare! And been afraid to dabble since.
Any tips? e.g. dym + 1 tourney or 2 x dyms starting at diff times? To begin with.
Or should I not bother for a while?
How long did it take you guys to increase tables?
BTW noticed a player tother night was on 10 tables!!!!!
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Also be aware if you MT tournaments that there isn't synchronised breaks, so toilet breaks can be a case of sprinting up the stairs to minimise missing hands. Bottles are also available for this purpose and you'll never miss a hand.
Recently the DTD came along which required 3 at a time and this meant going to the land of miniview which I'd never tried and it looked strange with no fake chairs or table and tbh I didn't like it mainly due to the fact I was missing a few hands.
Went back to cash last couple of months and as most know this is something that HAS to be mutlitabled and I steadily increased from two to 3 and right now at my maximum of 4. At first 4 on the screen was crazy lol but unbelievably after a few days I started realising I could well take a couple more as 4 was too easy. Of course some play 10+ but even that's something I'll leave for now lol
or do a beaneh and join every table you can until both monitors are full up. then click really fast
if you find you have time to look on forums or your gettin bored add a table... rinse repeat (works better for cash testing out) but generally best if you stick to 1 format if i have over 4 i go on mini.
just be aware its not fairly easy to play your best at each table because you will struggle to take information from the hands you're not in - the more tables, the harder it is to pay attention to every hand
add loads and just click buttons, clicking buttons is +EV, maybe ?
or really just add 1 each time you find yourself getting bored or finding it too slow and doing other things then just keep building on it until you are a 90 tabling freak machine
I've only been able to enter the monday dtd a few times bcoz of work commitments and when the 3rd tourny starts I'm forced to go into mini-view.....hmmmm...........just detest it with a passion......my game goes to pieces bcoz I struggle to see who is betting, their stack size and position etc etc all the information reqd. to make, hopefully, better decisions in the time-scale given during play.
I just wish we could have resizing of the same table format as when we are in full screen table mode....mini-view is pants as far as I am concerned. I know it's my problem and I have to learn to deal with it and start practising more it but mini-view isn't easy on the eye imho.
Thanks for the responses guys. Some VERY helpful comments and advice.
Gl at the tables bud xx
Mini view is pants and i struggle with it still. Try playing one table on mini view just to get used to it first. Just add one at a time and if it starts mucking your game up shut one down until you are more comfortable with it. I started with cheap DYM's and just kept them rolling through, as one finished id open another and just have 2 or 3 going all the time. Its a cheap way to get used to it.
Good luck.
You get used to mini view weird at 1st but now just standard.
if ure using a laptop i'd suggest a real mouse not the track pad + like ppl have said just take it slowly