wd again mr & mrs chuckle, put me in please . welcome aboard team51 half irish hartigan good choice bud . Michael can you put james down as Team51 vice captain , ty bud . great credit due to you & chris wd guys .
FAO DTWBANDIT - I came 1st last week and won a TSP Classic entry tonight, but i cant make it on fridays, i have other commitments at 9:30 every friday, i have de registered, any chance of getting me entered on another night preferably sat, tues, wed (if they have £11 TSP Classics on these days)If not dont worry about it, im not too bothered anyway, thanks. Posted by loonytoons
Hi Loony
E-mail has been sent to Sky Adam to request you play TSP Saturday or Tues will pm you & post on here as soon as i know m8
In the forlorn hope I master "multitabling" before Monday count me in. Not in a team but I'm guessing that don't matter? Is there a prize for a "random" taking out a team capt.? If not, why not? lol Pad Posted by Glenelg
A 'random' is a player that is not in the DTD, it does not matter that you are not in a team, as long as you are in the DTD (which you now are) you have the same chance of winning as other players (apart from maybe Machka)
wd again mr & mrs chuckle,
put me in please .
welcome aboard team51 half irish hartigan good choice bud .
Michael can you put james down as Team51 vice captain ,
ty bud .
great credit due to you & chris wd guys .
Yes please..............ty.
count me in..........and dont call me stupid what does DTD STAND FOR
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Emilyegg (THS)
3. Ibluff (THS)
4. Scouse_red (TKP)
5. Drumahai05 (Team51)
6. Loonytoons (Team51)
7. Kiwini4u (TPT)
8. Young gun (THS)
9. Codex
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Barbie59 (THS)
12. Jjjach (TPT)
13. Johnconnor
14. Scrumdown (Team51)
15. Hitman rv (THS)
16. Oakley04
17. Lisar83 (THS)
18. Spornybol (TPT)
19. Pokertrev (TPT Capt.Scarlet)
20. Waller02 (TPT)
21. Quietman
22. Eyeman (TKP)
23. Elsadog (Team51 Capt)
24. 67bhoys (TPT)
25. J-hartigan (Team Bounty Capt)
26. Achill (Team51)
27. Gr8tflop
28. Kennybad (THS)
29. Made4game (TKP)
30. Irishrover (Team51 Vice Capt)
31. Billyboots (Team51)
32. Dubmaster
Hiya Dub DTD stands for:-
Take on Tikay
Deepstack Take on tikay Deepstack.
Can I play please (TNP).
Hi Loony
E-mail has been sent to Sky Adam to request you play TSP Saturday or Tues will pm you & post on here as soon as i know m8
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Emilyegg (THS)
3. Ibluff (THS)
4. Scouse_red (TKP)
5. Drumahai05 (Team51)
6. Loonytoons (Team51)
7. Kiwini4u (TPT)
8. Young gun (THS)
9. Codex
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Barbie59 (THS)
12. Jjjach (TPT)
13. Johnconnor
14. Scrumdown (Team51)
15. Hitman rv (THS)
16. Oakley04
17. Lisar83 (THS)
18. Spornybol (TPT)
19. Pokertrev (TPT Capt.Scarlet)
20. Waller02 (TPT)
21. Quietman
22. Eyeman (TKP)
23. Elsadog (Team51 Capt)
24. 67bhoys (TPT)
25. J-hartigan (Team Bounty Capt)
26. Achill (Team51)
27. Gr8tflop
28. Kennybad (THS)
29. Made4game (TKP)
30. Irishrover (Team51 Vice Capt)
31. Billyboots (Team51)
32. Dubmaster
33. Samantha25
34. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
has my team51 status been downgraded because i refused to wear the bacofoil hat?
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Emilyegg (THS)
3. Ibluff (THS)
4. Scouse_red (TKP)
5. Drumahai05 (Team51)
6. Loonytoons (Team51)
7. Kiwini4u (TPT)
8. Young gun (THS)
9. Codex
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Barbie59 (THS)
12. Jjjach (TPT)
13. Johnconnor
14. Scrumdown (Team51)
15. Hitman rv (THS)
16. Oakley04
17. Lisar83 (THS)
18. Spornybol (TPT)
19. Pokertrev (TPT Capt.Scarlet)
20. Waller02 (TPT)
21. Quietman
22. Eyeman (TKP)
23. Elsadog (Team51 Capt)
24. 67bhoys (TPT)
25. J-hartigan (Team Bounty Capt)
26. Achill (Team51)
27. Gr8tflop
28. Kennybad (THS)
29. Made4game (TKP)
30. Irishrover (Team51 Vice Capt)
31. Billyboots (Team51)
32. Dubmaster
33. Samantha25
34. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
35. Stokefc (TPT)
Also big thanks to DTW and Scousey for keeping this going, great work guys.
In the forlorn hope I master "multitabling" before Monday count me in.
Not in a team but I'm guessing that don't matter?
Is there a prize for a "random" taking out a team capt.? If not, why not? lol