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The great tipping scandal of Sky Poker's Cash game

bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
edited July 2011 in Poker Chat
Don't dare move this mods, it was Channing and Citrone that started this and they give a decent pretence of being poker players. Not in my league, admittedly, but they're up there. I'd generally class them in the poker genre. Hence general poker chat. So don't move it, Tikay's given me his word that it shouldn't be. Kind of. Not at all.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, you're not alone. I've been drinking for so long I barely do either.

But this thread's about the furious argument they had on Friday's cash show programme that really should have been commentated on in it's entirety by a professional like Hartigan. Anyhoo.

Basically Carlo was of the opinion that dealers should be tipped for winning hands with sports cars, 2nd hand Gucci suits and loads of sun cream and Neil thought they should be spat on and debased as the non-professional poker players they were. I'm using my journalistic license here and might be exaggerating points but that's pretty much it.

So should dealers be tipped?

I dunno, I'm just stirring really but my range is generally polarised (poker talk again Mods!).

Drunk I'll act like Mother Theresa, tip dealers, buy tramps fish suppers and compliment Gregg Hogg's dress sense.

Sober I won't give my hairdresser £7 when the haircut was £6.80, growl every time the dealer doesn't deal me aces that hold up and grudgingly accept that Phil Ivey might be as good as me at poker.

But this thread isn't about me.

It's about you dear forum readers.

I'm not a journalist either. I made that bit up.


  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited July 2011
    I believe some big game players who have just won a big pot at the tables and are leaving the Casino do consider it a good luck charm for their next visit or Tournament to tip the Dealer.  However this does look suspicious to the losing players.  Begs the Question should I tip the R.N.G.      Silly me I already do.? 
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2011
    In Response to The great tipping scandal of Sky Poker's Cash game:
    Don't dare move this mods, it was Channing and Citrone that started this and they give a decent pretence of being poker players. Not in my league, admittedly, but they're up there. I'd generally class them in the poker genre. Hence general poker chat. So don't move it, Tikay's given me his word that it shouldn't be. Kind of. Not at all. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, you're not alone. I've been drinking for so long I barely do either. But this thread's about the furious argument they had on Friday's cash show programme that really should have been commentated on in it's entirety by a professional like Hartigan. Anyhoo. Basically Carlo was of the opinion that dealers should be tipped for winning hands with sports cars, 2nd hand Gucci suits and loads of sun cream and Neil thought they should be spat on and debased as the non-professional poker players they were. I'm using my journalistic license here and might be exaggerating points but that's pretty much it. So should dealers be tipped? I dunno, I'm just stirring really but my range is generally polarised (poker talk again Mods!). Drunk I'll act like Mother Theresa, tip dealers, buy tramps fish suppers and compliment Gregg Hogg's dress sense. Sober I won't give my hairdresser £7 when the haircut was £6.80, growl every time the dealer doesn't deal me aces that hold up and grudgingly accept that Phil Ivey might be as good as me at poker. But this thread isn't about me. It's about you dear forum readers. I'm not a journalist either. I made that bit up.
    Posted by bandini
    Surely if channing has this attitude it doesnt encourage people to want to become dealers. As far as I am aware dealers do not earn mega bucks so like in many other industries if you are given good service surely you tip?

    I havent seen this fridays programme, but I certainly enjoyed channings banter at the table in previous shows. Unfortunately in any walk of life, money breeds arrogance. CC comes across as an all round decent chap and if hes willing to tip a sports car, good on him!

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited July 2011

    Very Good !!

    7.47am!! An Exceptional 'up all nite rant' ??
  • imberimber Member Posts: 1,334
    edited July 2011
    Perhaps I'm totally out of touch here - but I think the idea of tipping dealers and croupiers is crazy - bordering on immoral. I guess the days of casino staff having no pockets (or sewn up pockets) has now changed but to me it has added a seedy aspect to what used to seem respectable. I don't think anyone tips their bookie or the attendant in an amusement arcade - so why are we following our friends from over the Atlantic who (some may say) changed our society for the worse by bringing us such gems as "trick or treat"  and MacDonalds!

    Or perhaps i'm just an old fuddy duddy!!!!!!
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited July 2011
    Having heard the hype about Channing losing it big time! from day one of the Master Cash.
    I actually feel quite sorry for the bloke.
    I don't think tipping is good for the game!
    Neil started playing when the only staff allowed to accept tips were the coffee and sandwich girls (not being sexist but they were always female) and the cloakroom staff.

    Croupiers were discouraged from socialising with members on some occasions with threat of dismissal if found out.
    For every pound. dollar or yen Carlo wins when he tips, someone is losing and those people have every right to be upset when they see money/chips handed to the dealer.
    I judge Carlo to be a gentleman from what i've seen. I find his comments to the point and succinct.
    Surely he must realise customers will question the integrity of Casino Staff if they're accepting bungs from punters who win big pots.
    and unscrupulous croupiers could theoretically manufacture competitive hands to create more frequent high value pots.
    I believe that if you want to tip, you should tip the whole team and after regular visits not single hand pots.

    Finally did you see Carlo's Eyes? I was frightened sitting in my living room! lol

    good luck to you all!
  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited July 2011
    I could be wrong but in a casino the tips the dealers recieve are pooled and split between the whole floor staff?
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited July 2011
    Complimenting GREGHOGG's dress sense?  Off to Area 51 with you.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    There are many jobs where tipping is suitable and pretty much standard. Working in a bar, hairdressers, restaurants etc and a good tip usually leads to them being extra nice to you when you return.

    Where money is involved and the dealer is ultimately responsible for the outcome, I think tipping should be banned. It will only encourage cheating in some form or another in my opinion. That being said, if I arranged a private game at a casino with my mates and we had to pay for a dealer I probably wouldn't think twice of giving the dealer a tip for his services.

    So where do we draw the line? Should there be some rules put into place for tournaments? or should tipping be a complete NO NO?
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited July 2011
    Quality poker journalism, I take it Poker Player magazine have been on the blower with a job offer?
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited July 2011
    Can I just point out there is nothing wrong with my dress sense.

    As these shorts demonstrate perfectly.

    Fwiw, i always forget to tip. Except at Primark where i buy my clothes :)

  • MyZoMyZo Member Posts: 332
    edited July 2011

    I've started tipping in restaurants.

    There's nowhere else to take my rubbish.
  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited July 2011
    She looks **** scared Greg
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