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HitSquad HotNews!!!! HitSquadron Scotland Crowned National APAT Team Champs 2014!



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,272
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Very nearly £600 raised thus far, and the slog begins tomorrow morning! If all my (relatively new) team buddies even threw one quid into the pot, we would get over the line... just sayin' ;) Run well folks! Brian
    Posted by Slipwater
    Dont get many Squaddies in here , i think they're all Facebook addicts.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Very nearly £600 raised thus far, and the slog begins tomorrow morning! If all my (relatively new) team buddies even threw one quid into the pot, we would get over the line... just sayin' ;) Run well folks! Brian
    Posted by Slipwater
    Boom !!!!
    Donated, hope it went well!!

    Will Publicise this NOW!!

    Great work for Cancer Research uk Mate!!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    Cheers Boxster David

    Mon 16-12-13, Week 3 December

    Team points awarded as follows...
    1 LFB DIA 10+1
    121 15 1 16
    2 DARK4NIGHT IND 8 64 10 18
    3 CRAIGCU12 IND 4 73 24 28
    4 supercrazy IND 46 21 11 32
    28 180 6 34
    6 kopite1984 TPT 5
    119 11 25 36
    7 ZOED TPT 4
    3 35 62 38
    8 sherifoo7 HIT-JAMS 3
    40 25 14 39
    16 149 23 39
    10 TRIP5 TKP 1
    25 19 48 44

    Forum DTD Team Result December Week 3

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts
    Diamond                3           1            11           7
    Poker Titans         19          -             11          6
    HitSquad Jams     15          -               9          5
    Knight Poker         3            -              1          4
    HitSquad Donks    10          -              0           3
    Dragons                 5            -             0            2
    Team51                  2           -             0            1

    Forum DTD Team League Table December Week 3

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts

    Poker Titans        59            -            30         17

    HitSquad Jams    47            -             26        17
    HitSquad Donks   36           1            14         14

    Knight Poker         7            1            12          12
    Diamond               10           1           12           8
    Dragons                17            -            3            6

    Team 51                9            1             2            6
    Team Double         1            -             2            4
    Ninja Plonkers       2            -             0            0

    VWP ALL,
    ESP Team Diamond winning week with ONLY 3 players, WP LFB
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    Welcome to The HitSquad Luke, bletch08

    1,  NAME:  bletch08

    2,  SEX M/F: Male

    3,  SANE/INSANE: Sane when not playing poker...!

    4,  FOOTBALL TEAM : Manchester United

    5,  FAV DRINK: Tea, Apple Juice or Guiness!

    6,  Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad]:  I am the bullsh**t man! Any hint of bulls**t & I swoop in and refrain the culprit.

    7,   If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?   A member of Team Pokerstars Pro!!

    8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering? Swap the gravy for a fried egg and I absolutely would!


    Sounds like you gonna fit right in, GL ENJOY!!
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,272
    edited December 2013
    Welcome Luke
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,587
    edited December 2013
    Not sure whether I'm happier about winning the Super Sat tonight, or beating MattBates heads up to do it:

    1 Slipwater - £500,000 UKPC
    2 MattBates - £500K UKPC Final


  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,272
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Not sure whether I'm happier about winning the Super Sat tonight, or beating MattBates heads up to do it: 1 Slipwater - £500,000 UKPC 2 MattBates - £500K UKPC Final :)
    Posted by Slipwater
    Nice one
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013

    Congrats TPT on Team Win, & Great Nite, including 3 Bonus Points, Binrobbed WINS Week & DTD1, Dale wins DTD3, VWP Sirs!!

    Mon 24-12-13, Forum DTD Team points awarded as follows....
    Name Team Pts
    DTD1 DTD2 DTD3 Score Pos
    1 10 5 6 1
    7 9 48 16 2
    89 8 8 16 3
    82 21 1 22 4
    6 54 18 24 5
    18 26 10 28 6
    37 13 17 30 7
    4 53 27 31 8
    2 133 30 32 9
    FREAKIN IND 3 31 32 34 10
    +1 Win Bonus point liamboi11 wins DTD2

    Last week of Monthly League on Mon Dec 30TH, GL ALL!!!

    Enjoy Your Christmas' wherever you are!!

    All Players who play DTD Mondays are welcome to Our New...
    ...'Friends of Sky Poker' FB Group,    started by Me & Maxally!! has over 200 Friendly Members!

    Forum DTD Team Result December Week 4

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts
    Poker Titans         14          3             26          7
    HitSquad Jams     15          1             16          6

    HitSquad Donks    11          -             13          5
    Dragons                 3            -             3            4
    Diamond                5            -             0            3
    Team51                  2           -             0            2
    Knight Poker          2           -             0            1

    Forum DTD Team League Table December Week 4

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts

    Poker Titans        73            3            56        24

    HitSquad Jams    62            1            42        23
    HitSquad Donks   47           1            27         19

    Knight Poker         9            1            12          13
    Diamond               15           1           12          11
    Dragons                20            -            6           10

    Team 51               11            1            2            8
    Team Double         1            -             2            4
    Ninja Plonkers       2            -             0            0
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited December 2013
    Wishing everyone in Hitsquad a merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Wishing everyone in Hitsquad a merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    TY Dale!!!

    Same to you & all in TPT!!!!
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited December 2013
    Hi Hitman & ALL Squaddies & Squadettes

    Its been a great pleasure doing battle with you all over the last Year and both teams & players have been a credit to Sky Poker.

    All the best to the squaddies going into the New Year from me & ALL at TPT
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Hi Hitman & ALL Squaddies & Squadettes Its been a great pleasure doing battle with you all over the last Year and both teams & players have been a credit to Sky Poker. All the best to the squaddies going into the New Year from me & ALL at TPT
    Posted by POKERTREV
    TY Trev!!

    The respect is mutual!!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    Mon 30th Dec 2013.


    Congrats J3ono!!
    1J3ONO   10+1DRA3812111
    2pomfrittes    9TPT986615
    3Tsaaaar       8HIT-JAMS797816
    4MAXALLY     7TKP1630723
    5sherifoo7      6HIT-JAMS11801930
    6KEITH1960    5TPT18421432
    7JCOOPER329  4 +1HIT-DONKS5213334
    8Chris_Mc       3TPT33612039
    9ICE_TIGER    2HIT-DONKS67251540
    10mould03        1HIT-JAMS221062244
    Bonus win point awarded to..

    Wins DTD 1 Wilhelm HitDonks
    wins DTD 2 JCOOPER329 HitDonks
    wins DTD 3 benalman HitDonks

    HitDonks win all 3 DTD tournies

    Poker Titans win tonight & win December monthly team title!!!
    Congrats Trev & team well deserved!!!!

    Forum DTD Team Result December Week 5

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts
    Poker Titans         17          -             17          7
    HitSquad Jams     13          -             15          6

    Dragons                 4            1            11          5
    HitSquad Donks    13          3             9           4
    Knight Poker          1           -             7            3
    Diamond                4            -             0            2
    Ninja Plonkers           1             -               0              1

    Forum DTD Team League Final Table, Dec Week 5

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts

    Poker Titans        90            3            73        31

    HitSquad Jams    75            1            57        29
    HitSquad Donks   60           4            36        23

    Knight Poker        10            1           19        16
    Dragons                24            1           17        15
    Diamond               19           1            12        13

    Team 51               11            1            2            8
    Team Double         1            -             2            4
    Ninja Plonkers       3            -             0            1

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013

    {Started by HITMA
    N_RV May 2011}

                    Champions            Runners-up
    May '11  Team Knightplop
    Team HitSquad
    June '11 Team PokerTrev 
    Team HitSquad
    July '11  Team 51            
    Team PokerTrev
    Aug.'11  Team PokerTrev 
    Team 51
    Sept.'11 Team 51
                               Team HitSquad
    Oct. '11  Team HitSquad   Team 51
    Nov.'11  Team PokerTrev 
    Team Hitsquad
    Dec.'11  Team HitSquad   
    Team PokerTrev
    Jan.'12   Team PokerTrev  Team 51
    Feb.'12   DYM LegEnds     Team Hitsquad   

    March12 Team HitSquad     Team PokerTrev
    April '12  Team HitSquad  Team PokerTrev
    May 12   PokerTitans        Team Hitsquad
    June 12  Team HitSquad   PokerTitans
    July 12   Team 51           
    Team HitSquad
    Aug 12   Team HitSquad   Team 51
    Sept 12  Team 51            Team HitSquad
    Oct 12   Team HitSquad   Team Diamond
    Nov 12  Team Diamond    Team HitSquad
    Dec 12   Team HitSquad   Team Diamond
    Jan 13    Team HitSquad  
    Team 51
    Feb 13    Team HitSquad  Team Diamond
    March13  Team HitSquad  Poker Titans

    April 13   Team HitSquad  Poker Titans
    May 13    HitSquad Jams  Team Diamond
    June13    Team 51           HitSquad Jams
    July 13    HitSquad Jams   Team 51
    Aug.13    HitSquad Jams  Poker Titans
    Sept 13   HitSquad Jams  HitSquad Donks
    Oct 13     Poker Titans     HitSquad Donks
    Nov 13   HitSquad Donks 
    HitSquad Jams
    Dec 13    Poker Titans      HitSquad Jams
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited December 2013
    Well done Hitsquad great performance last night. Thank you Dave for your prompt action over an issue that arose, I like to think that TPT would respond in exactly the same way, in fact I KNOW we would. And thank you Duncan for your kind comment on our thread and well played last night.

    Wishing all of Hitsquad
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,587
    edited January 2014
    Sigh... runner up in the £750 Deep Stack tonight for £180. Three times in the top three in that tourney, but not yet taken it down! Good, healthy start to the year though :)
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,272
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Sigh... runner up in the £750 Deep Stack tonight for £180. Three times in the top three in that tourney, but not yet taken it down! Good, healthy start to the year though :)
    Posted by Slipwater
    Nice one Brian
    Only a matter of time.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Well done Hitsquad great performance last night. Thank you Dave for your prompt action over an issue that arose, I like to think that TPT would respond in exactly the same way, in fact I KNOW we would. And thank you Duncan for your kind comment on our thread and well played last night. Wishing all of Hitsquad A HAPPY NEW YEAR
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    YW Sir!!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited January 2014
    Another Satellite to the Ark Animal Welfare Trust live Tournie Extravaganza in Birmingham, is on Monday 6th Jan, Coral i-poker 7.30pm!! £10 Rebuy, £10 add-on

    [Seat worth £110- Stars City, Birmingham....Saturday 25th January, Hosted by Paul Jackson, Mandy Card & David Harvey]

    Details of a HitSquad Poker Tour Birmingham Leg, involving a ONLY £10 last longer, wrap around, on this tournie, to be announced shortly!!

    Squaddies Qualified so far...
    Carl Jones
    Barry Moody
    Dave 'Hitman' Harvey,
    Mandy Card
    Paul Jackson

    Direct Buyins available NOW in Coral lobby!!!

    In our NEW 'HitSquad Staking & Results' FB Group Paul Jackson has posted an interesting 'Squaddie ONLY' offer, esp for this Tournie!!
    Please have look & see.....

    You all should have invites to this event!
    You Should all be in this New group Project, 'HitSquad Staking & Results' FB Group.
    Admined by Me, Ross McConnel Paul Lambert
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited January 2014
    Mon 6-1-14, Great Nite,  First DTD Monday of 2014!! Happy New Year to All!!

    Many Thanks to Michael DTW, David boxster & admins!!

    Forum DTD Team Points scored as follows....
    144 17 3 20
    2 WYNNE1938 HIT-JAMS   9
    87 5 18 23
    3 BIGAL36903 Team51       8
    130 12 14 26
    4 SAMANTHA25 IND 111 6 21 27
    5 MRBURNS4 DRA           6
    11 105 19 30
    6 POMFRITTES TPT           5
    28 169 4 32
    29 4 31 33
    8 LFB DIA          3 +1
    1 34 36 35
    9 FLYINGDAGG TPT          2
    31 7 96 38
    90 42 2 44

    Forum DTD Team Result Jan 14, Week 1

    Team               Runners    Wins  TeamPts  LeaguePts

    HitSquad Jams     20           -             13          7
    HitSquad Donks   12           1             12         6
    Team 51                 3           -               8          5
    Poker Titans         23           -              7          4
    Dragons                 4            -              6          3
    Diamond                4            1             4           2
    BringIT                   1           -              0           1
    Knight Poker          4           -              0           0
    Ninja Plonkers       1           -              0           0

    6 Different Teams, [&Sam25 X], made Top Ten & DTD Points VWP All !!!
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