no horse Saturday the tip is sunday in the arc tagrooda to win also will post 1 up in the sprint on sunday draw all important haven't studied yet lol gl all tonight
no horse Saturday the tip is sunday in the arc tagrooda to win also will post 1 up in the sprint on sunday draw all important haven't studied yet lol gl all tonight Posted by FLASHJONNY
Totally agree with you on this one JONNY and I think TAPESTRY will run well for an e/w bet. In the sprint SOLE POWER will win(Sunday 1pm) unless there is heavy rain in Paris between now and then.
Sad to see DDai go, but wish you All the Best in your new team and I know we'll see you on the tables, but a big WELCOME to the team GeordieAl.
Good Luck at the tables everyone.....I've busted out of Main B/H after 15mins. Had KK, got them to shove with 9 high flop.....HAPPY DAYS !!!!!!!!!!.......'til 9 came on River.....bye bye MISTY.
Oh well, there's always the Mini .......and the Mega
normally it's dale who is annoyed with the calls, today must have been my turn. any pair must be good enough for some, all i tell these people is nl20 is where i'm at so come along. anyway i'm already use to it from the amount of times i loose sats
I don't normally rant, but to be honest tonight has just pushed me over the edge, utterly disillusioned at the moment, so much loose play around. I know, I know.....we want these players etc....just having a moan, sorry. Hopefully normal service will resume, might take a few days off. Good luck'll probably need it. Posted by HENDRIK62
Oh Dear......sounds like we're all going thru it.....except GELDY!!!!!!!! So maybe we all ought to be doing something a bit differently.
I've been thru it too (in the past and present) but to be honest, but I do know I get quite a few lucky Rivers my way too....... so I have been trying to be a bit more aggro with certain situations, and it has defo worked, though I did have a massive hit in the mini when someone called my shove on the river ...... fortunately I had a few more chips than them and managed to cling on for a small cash.
Just a few of my thoughts on whats been posted....... I do know it does get you down when you constantly seem to get 'Rivered' .....but I think its a good idea to either take a break from it for a few days (which I find difficult tbh, I managed 1 day!!!)......or change the way you play certain situations, either by watching SKY Poker TV on ch.861 for a refresher, as there is so much great advice, or the SKY Poker strategy on line. Also have a look at how many Rivers go your way, coz they do, and we almost come to expect they always should.
The other way to look at some of the hands that have been posted is from the villains point of put yourself in their position with their hands and it does give you a very different perspective.
The other thing to remember is .......... If you dont cash in a tourney, you ARE one step closer to cashing in the next one. It's a fact that your 'Luck' does come in cycles, and it is like a WILL turn your way eventually. Hope this helps a little.
So try and keep your chin (or chins !!!!) up..... and as always......
......May the CASH be with you ALL (as it was for me)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceWHEELS7161 Small blind 20.00 20.00 3835.00 POKERTREV Big blind 40.00 60.00 4980.00 Your hole cards A J HENDRIK62 Raise 80.00 140.00 4416.25 matrixxs Fold Sir-Gary Fold steelrod Call 80.00 220.00 4575.00 WHEELS7161 Fold POKERTREV Call 40.00 260.00 4940.00 Flop J A K POKERTREV Check HENDRIK62 Check steelrod Bet 200.00 460.00 4375.00 POKERTREV Call 200.00 660.00 4740.00 HENDRIK62 Fold Turn 6 POKERTREV Check steelrod Bet 480.00 1140.00 3895.00 POKERTREV Raise 960.00 2100.00 3780.00 steelrod Call 480.00 2580.00 3415.00 River Q POKERTREV Bet 1290.00 3870.00 2490.00 steelrod Call 1290.00 5160.00 2125.00 POKERTREV Show 10 Q steelrod Show A J POKERTREV Win Straight to the Ace 5160.00 7650.00 and this was from orfy
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceOban Small blind 500.00 500.00 23400.00 biglee1976 Big blind 1000.00 1500.00 26180.00 Your hole cards A J omax Fold 1MINDMAN Fold steelrod Raise 2000.00 3500.00 11021.86 DocWolfe Fold freakin Call 2000.00 5500.00 30980.00 aiken2001 Fold Brrrrrrr Fold zxghostxz Fold Oban Fold biglee1976 Raise 3000.00 8500.00 23180.00 steelrod Call 2000.00 10500.00 9021.86 freakin Call 2000.00 12500.00 28980.00 Flop Q A J biglee1976 Check steelrod All-in 9021.86 21521.86 0.00 freakin Call 9021.86 30543.72 19958.14 biglee1976 Raise 18043.72 48587.44 5136.28 freakin Fold biglee1976 Unmatched bet 9021.86 39565.58 14158.14 biglee1976 Show K 10 steelrod Show A J Turn Q River 7 biglee1976 Win Straight to the Ace 39565.58 53723.72 think av upset the poker gods,been a long time av run so bad on here its unreal.and I think its broke me
Successful people don’t always win, but they don't give up. This week for me was a good one, but the previous one not so. And next week who knows. We can just strive for improvement. But taking some time out to chill and de-tilt isn't a crazy idea.
Steel's AJ hands are tough to get away from. But you limited the damage in the first one, and in the second its all going in under most scenarios.
Craig - you are too deep to have to call. Easy fold to the three-bet shove with your stack size.
4th in the Orfy mickzilla 0 4 £28.39 Was a good game enjoyed it. Good luck at the tables Posted by mickzilla
Well played Mick, I actually really enjoyed the Orfy, was on your table for a while, not at all surprised that the fella who took me out to go to 3-1 chip leader never even cashed.
He had been open shoving light all night, hence I decided to take him on with that marginal 10 10 (I could have let it go but......:-)).....I nearly got him, **** river :-)
Misty and Geldy you are both absolutely spot on, its amazing how many times I have been at a completely low ebb just before a good result......I am probably odds on to win the roller :-)))
WD jonny are you planing at weekend in blacpool next year if you are what might be the dates i am on holls on the 12th on june so hope its not then gl at the tables guys
Just a few small results from me last night. Managed to win an all in sat into the £33 main twice so that was £33 extra I wasnt' expecting. Needed it mind you as I went straight out fairly early on!! I won a £12 sat to the 9pm BH game - again the usual roller coaster for me - up/down/up/down - managed to finish 13th in the end - outside the cash but I did get 4 heads for £91.41.
Don't know if anyone is trying for the Punta Cana game but there's a £5.50 rebuy tonight at 8.40pm with 1st place getting place in the final on 19th Oct and 11 others get places in either the semi tomorrow night or the qtr final tomorrow.
Hope TPTers will run golden tonight and tomorrow - and enjoy your games!!!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Well played Mick, I actually really enjoyed the Orfy, was on your table for a while, not at all surprised that the fella who took me out to go to 3-1 chip leader never even cashed. He had been open shoving light all night, hence I decided to take him on with that marginal 10 10 (I could have let it go but......:-)).....I nearly got him, **** river :-) Misty and Geldy you are both absolutely spot on, its amazing how many times I have been at a completely low ebb just before a good result......I am probably odds on to win the roller :-))) Posted by HENDRIK62
Cheers mate. Yeah some good play by most in the tournament and made it really enjoyable! I was short for a long time early on and had to wait patiently for a spot but like I said really enjoyed it. Went into the final table sitting 9th I do believe but had a bit of luck my AQ vs a shoved A9 and he flopped 2 pair for me to turn a queen, then next hand get 2 callers with my QQ vs AK and AJ which stuck. Put me around 100k and could sit pretty. Went out with my 99 vs AJ.
Just hope I can play a few more this month as I have gigs on all the Fridays now! Might have to play inbetween sets!
Cashed in the 7-45 Deepie. Thank you Martin, Truly and dumb blonde for rail. Also had a good night on Stars too, cashed in my new favourite bounty hunter for about $10 including heads. Doesn't sound much but it's only $2-20 buy in with 8K gtd.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceWHEELS7161 Small blind 20.00 20.00 3835.00 POKERTREV Big blind 40.00 60.00 4980.00 Your hole cards A J HENDRIK62 Raise 80.00 140.00 4416.25 matrixxs Fold Sir-Gary Fold steelrod Call 80.00 220.00 4575.00 WHEELS7161 Fold POKERTREV Call 40.00 260.00 4940.00 Flop J A K POKERTREV Check HENDRIK62 Check steelrod Bet 200.00 460.00 4375.00 POKERTREV Call 200.00 660.00 4740.00 HENDRIK62 Fold Turn 6 POKERTREV Check steelrod Bet 480.00 1140.00 3895.00 POKERTREV Raise 960.00 2100.00 3780.00 steelrod Call 480.00 2580.00 3415.00 River Q POKERTREV Bet 1290.00 3870.00 2490.00 steelrod Call 1290.00 5160.00 2125.00 POKERTREV Show 10 Q steelrod Show A J POKERTREV Win Straight to the Ace 5160.00 7650.00
and this was from orfy
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceOban Small blind 500.00 500.00 23400.00 biglee1976 Big blind 1000.00 1500.00 26180.00 Your hole cards A J omax Fold 1MINDMAN Fold steelrod Raise 2000.00 3500.00 11021.86 DocWolfe Fold freakin Call 2000.00 5500.00 30980.00 aiken2001 Fold Brrrrrrr Fold zxghostxz Fold Oban Fold biglee1976 Raise 3000.00 8500.00 23180.00 steelrod Call 2000.00 10500.00 9021.86 freakin Call 2000.00 12500.00 28980.00 Flop Q A J biglee1976 Check steelrod All-in 9021.86 21521.86 0.00 freakin Call 9021.86 30543.72 19958.14 biglee1976 Raise 18043.72 48587.44 5136.28 freakin Fold biglee1976 Unmatched bet 9021.86 39565.58 14158.14 biglee1976 Show K 10 steelrod Show A J Turn Q River 7 biglee1976 Win Straight to the Ace 39565.58 53723.72
think av upset the poker gods,been a long time av run so bad on here its unreal.and I think its broke me
gl all run better than me
ie Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight
Successful people don’t always win, but they don't give up. This week for me was a good one, but the previous one not so. And next week who knows. We can just strive for improvement. But taking some time out to chill and de-tilt isn't a crazy idea.
Steel's AJ hands are tough to get away from. But you limited the damage in the first one, and in the second its all going in under most scenarios.
Craig - you are too deep to have to call. Easy fold to the three-bet shove with your stack size.
here is one to add to my list
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemoby38 Small blind 20.00 20.00 4535.00 baker43 Big blind 40.00 60.00 6870.00 Your hole cards A K 13lew Call 40.00 100.00 3052.50 Dr_P Fold steelrod Raise 120.00 220.00 4787.50 Malccb55 Fold moby38 Fold baker43 Call 80.00 300.00 6790.00 13lew Call 80.00 380.00 2972.50 Flop 7 3 5 baker43 Check 13lew Bet 190.00 570.00 2782.50 steelrod Call 190.00 760.00 4597.50 baker43 Fold Turn 10 13lew Bet 380.00 1140.00 2402.50 steelrod Call 380.00 1520.00 4217.50 River 9 13lew All-in 2402.50 3922.50 0.00 steelrod All-in 4217.50 8140.00 0.00 steelrod Unmatched bet 1815.00 6325.00 1815.00 13lew Show 8 J steelrod Show A K 13lew Win Straight Flush to the Jack 6325.00 6325.00
gl all
well this was the same tourney but cashed in it but still the bad run continues.not meant to be I surpose maybe one day.

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrod Small blind 1000.00 1000.00 31460.00 DeaDFl0P Big blind 2000.00 3000.00 75080.00 Your hole cards Q Q tomgoodun Raise 4000.00 7000.00 68030.00 DODE13 Fold degdad Fold steelrod Call 3000.00 10000.00 28460.00 DeaDFl0P Call 2000.00 12000.00 73080.00 Flop 6 3 10 steelrod All-in 28460.00 40460.00 0.00 DeaDFl0P Fold tomgoodun Call 28460.00 68920.00 39570.00 steelrod Show Q Q tomgoodun Show K 10 Turn 3 River 10 tomgoodun Win Full House, 10s and 3s 68920.00 108490.00
its sole destroying
ty for rail dagg
his play in this hand tells me he chases draws