I Know I'm not very experienced in this but in the end you were unlucky he hit 1 of his 4 outs on the River( but it is SKY POKER Lol) once you had hit straight.....but with him having a set and a big stack he is always going to call. But to be honest I wouldn't have even been in the hand in the 1st place, Q9o is surely a fold isn't it Guys?? I'm sure someone will tell us. I hope you don't mind me saying but maybe this is why you don't run as DEEP as you would like in the Big Tourneys.....I know I find it hard to resist sometimes too
Sorry for Knocking you out in the Mini TREV......that was as good as it got though.....I lost 3 big HU with decent hands AIPF....but got 3 Heads for £7.30
Good Luck to everyone still playing.....and as ALWAYS........
HIC hello misty yes partly coz of the name but it didn't run a bad race tbh gl all tonight Posted by FLASHJONNY
Yeah it did run really well JONNY tbf......though I backed Silvianico Conti and got 3/1 so I was happy. I also backed AMIGO today same as you, and rather than e/w also backed BENVOLIO to win.......GUTTED (lost by a short head 12/1), though I got it back with GHOST RIVER (4/1) in the last at Chepstow.
Interesting night. Lost a lot trying to satellite into the HR today and yesterday, with no joy. Pulled things back with a seat (cash taken) in the UKPC semi final and ran pretty deep in the Main event.
Made a bad mistake on my exit from the main. Was sitting about 8th / 32 and tried a monumental bluff against a guy that had been bullying me for a number of hands. He had the flush. Oops. Big leak in my game when running deep that, can't count the number of times I've gone out deep this year trying to be smart that way. New resolution for 2015 perhaps.
Very bad luck to Rose, both in the High Roller and in the UKPC satellite. Better luck tomorrow I hope.
Main tonight
mattprawn032£260.16 Head Prizes5 UKPC Semi
Luoja19892.501£1Mil UKPC FinalGut5h0t182702£1Mil UKPC Finallyonsbob0617767.503£1Mil UKPC Finalssbssb10447.504£1Mil UKPC Finalmattprawn94905£1Mil UKPC Final (£220 taken as already qualified)
200 turbo waller0205£28.29 200 deepy waller0205£19.60 Gotta be honest rose, I don't like how you played the hand at all. limp/calling pre oop with Q9o isn't great and with ur stack im not chasing the gutshot either. Horrid river though! ul
I Know I'm not very experienced in this but in the end you were unlucky he hit 1 of his 4 outs on the River( but it is SKY POKER Lol) once you had hit straight.....but with him having a set and a big stack he is always going to call. But to be honest I wouldn't have even been in the hand in the 1st place, Q9o is surely a fold isn't it Guys?? I'm sure someone will tell us. I hope you don't mind me saying but maybe this is why you don't run as DEEP as you would like in the Big Tourneys.....I know I find it hard to resist sometimes too Sorry for Knocking you out in the Mini TREV......that was as good as it got though.....I lost 3 big HU with decent hands AIPF.... but got 3 Heads for £7.30 Good Luck to everyone still playing.....and as ALWAYS........ ......May the CASH be with you ALL Posted by MISTY4ME
He had a fair few more outs than 4!
Ul on river Rose. Shouldn't really be limping in hands like that. Think we need an extra caller in the hand on the flop to justify calling for the gutshot, even then its marginal.
Wp tonight Trev, must be an early candidate for player of the series....
FANTASTIC results TREV particularly the Main.....really well done and now I'm doubley sorry I KO'd you out of the Mini coz of the chance of the JACKPOT.
It really has been worth persevering thru all that pain you were suffering.......... just out of interest have you done anything different ??........coz I'm going 'thru the wringer' at the minute.
GOOD LUCK to everyone playing today.....and as ALWAYS.......
FANTASTIC results TREV particularly the Main.....really well done and now I'm doubley sorry I KO'd you out of the Mini coz of the chance of the JACKPOT. It really has been worth persevering thru all that pain you were suffering.......... just out of interest have you done anything different ??........coz I'm going 'thru the wringer' at the minute. GOOD LUCK to everyone playing today.....and as ALWAYS....... ......May the CASH be with us ALL p.s. HORSE TO FOLLOW.............. IDENTITY THIEF Posted by MISTY4ME
Hi Misty Its easy to say NO I haven't done anything differently, but in reality I have. I haven't taken so many chances in what could be races.
I've folded plenty of premium hands JJ,AK and even folded QQ & KK on an Ace high board etc. Strangely enough....sitting back and allowing the action to happen seams to have enabled me more time to read the tables & players.
The most important thing has been protecting my stack and if that meant folding a very good hand then thats what I did and just moved on to the next. Sure enough eventually I had the nuts or sets etc and played them aggressively and it payed off. I also made sure I didn't get involved with the big stack on the table & picked my spots.....that's about it really.
FANTASTIC result last night Mr Trev sir - an inspiration to the rest of us.
I have flu - which I'd nearly describe as "man flu" due to it being so bad - but as I'm female I guess I just have to grin and bear it lol. Heavily dosed up on lemsip, nurofen and beechams for tonights ME - apologies in advance if my play tonight is any stranger than usual (if that's possible).
Hope TPTers run golden tonight - absolutely golden xxx
just want to say very good luck rose in the HR
The dream is over (again lol)
Hand History #854232859 (21:19 27/12/2014)
Made a bad mistake on my exit from the main. Was sitting about 8th / 32 and tried a monumental bluff against a guy that had been bullying me for a number of hands. He had the flush. Oops. Big leak in my game when running deep that, can't count the number of times I've gone out deep this year trying to be smart that way. New resolution for 2015 perhaps.
Very bad luck to Rose, both in the High Roller and in the UKPC satellite. Better luck tomorrow I hope.
Main tonight
mattprawn032£260.16 Head Prizes5
Luoja19892.501£1Mil UKPC FinalGut5h0t182702£1Mil UKPC Finallyonsbob0617767.503£1Mil UKPC Finalssbssb10447.504£1Mil UKPC Finalmattprawn94905£1Mil UKPC Final (£220 taken as already qualified)
200 turbo
200 deepy
Gotta be honest rose, I don't like how you played the hand at all. limp/calling pre oop with Q9o isn't great and with ur stack im not chasing the gutshot either. Horrid river though! ul
Ul on river Rose. Shouldn't really be limping in hands like that. Think we need an extra caller in the hand on the flop to justify calling for the gutshot, even then its marginal.
Wp tonight Trev, must be an early candidate for player of the series....
Its easy to say NO I haven't done anything differently, but in reality I have. I haven't taken so many chances in what could be races.
I've folded plenty of premium hands JJ,AK and even folded QQ & KK on an Ace high board etc. Strangely enough....sitting back and allowing the action to happen seams to have enabled me more time to read the tables & players.
The most important thing has been protecting my stack and if that meant folding a very good hand then thats what I did and just moved on to the next. Sure enough eventually I had the nuts or sets etc and played them aggressively and it payed off. I also made sure I didn't get involved with the big stack on the table & picked my spots.....that's about it really.
Good luck all.