Hi all - the way I play sats is down to the wonderful Mr Geldy's guide to the galaxy - bumped above
I love sats - would happily play them all day long - but not so good at normal games then. I need to find my happy medium I think.
Having said that - and I know this cash won't count for stats - but I managed to win a live tourney today!! Only 37 runners mind you @ £45 buy in - but it's the best feeling £530 I've ever won - especially when deal was offered for 3 way split when only 3 left in and it was turned down - then split offered when HU and again turned down - so was extra sweet to win it.
Hope all TPTers run golden this week - and hope to see you all in orfy on Friday. Because I've had a bit of a good run recently I'd like to offer addtional 2 prizes to the top placed TPTers in this coming Fridays orfy - £20 cash to top placed TPTer and £10 cash to 2nd placed TPTer. So get regging - best value around for £3.30 buy in xxx
Hi all - the way I play sats is down to the wonderful Mr Geldy's guide to the galaxy - bumped above I love sats - would happily play them all day long - but not so good at normal games then. I need to find my happy medium I think. Having said that - and I know this cash won't count for stats - but I managed to win a live tourney today!! Only 37 runners mind you @ £45 buy in - but it's the best feeling £530 I've ever won - especially when deal was offered for 3 way split when only 3 left in and it was turned down - then split offered when HU and again turned down - so was extra sweet to win it. Hope all TPTers run golden this week - and hope to see you all in orfy on Friday. Because I've had a bit of a good run recently I'd like to offer addtional 2 prizes to the top placed TPTers in this coming Fridays orfy - £20 cash to top placed TPTer and £10 cash to 2nd placed TPTer. So get regging - best value around for £3.30 buy in xxx Posted by IrishRose
Good incentive again. Got a party to go to (yay) after 3 days of exams (still 2 more to go as of this post)... Must have facebook catch up at weekend been a while Rose, well done last weekend
Hi guys here is a hand were bet on a not to good hand got reraised not big enough pot odds made me call thene the rest is up to your take but me cant think why the player didnt smell a rat but he did my betting happy days.
And tonight was the BH games and the roller semi game
Main: IrishRose
£37.62 + £38.68 Head Prizes
Mini: IrishRose
£9.15 + £15.47 Head Prizes
Roller: IrishRose
£25k Mega Roller
I really didn't deserve to win seat to the roller based on my exit hand. Had A 8 - flop was 8 something something. Guy went all in and I called - he had K K. I managed runner runner A high flush. Not a pretty way to win a seat.
Hope all TPTers run golden tonight. Don't forget the orfy tomorrow night. Unfortunately I won't be able to play as motherinlaw will be here - unless I'm snowed in.............. So run extra golden in my absence. The bonus prizes are still there but someone will have to let me know who wins them as I won't have lobby in my history lol.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : I'm pretty sure I already hold that tbh but I have had one or two succeses along the way, but it did take me a while. Which sat/time & buy-in are you entering into? cause some are easier than others imo. Posted by POKERTREV
i like the 8.30 sat but i play all diferent sats into it i did not sat again tonight but i bought in and came runners up so not bad
Hi all Sorry I missed the ofry last night. Can someone please let me know the top 2 placed TPTers so that I can settle my debts lol. Hope to be online tonight - and in the meantime I hope you all run golden xxx Posted by IrishRose
It's nice to walk into an aggro player thats repping or betting with air....especially when you have flopped the nuts - happy days
Not sure how he can get it in on the river - surely he should check back & fold in this spot?
Small cash in the main
mattprawn440001Entry to £25k Mega Roller
1 LARSON7 - £103.60
mozak48 - £153.922Wacko90 - £91.523Drunkkidz - £62.404LARSON7 - £45.76