Really enjoyed the team game last night - well done all who took part.
I didn't play many tonight as a bit tired - think it's the come down from the high of the UKPC weekend lol.
I managed to cash in main and mini - only played main as I won all in sat so would have been rude not to!
£46.18 + £163.49 Head Prizes
£6.25 + £3.76 Head Prizes
Thanks for the rail as always - specially Geldy, RSPCA, JJ, Matt, and lots of others.
Hope you all run golden as always xx
PS Forgot to post that I managed to win entry to the Vegas Semi Final for both the $3.2 package and the $10k package. A girl can dream can't she????????
ft the 3k bh was in 1st in great shape till I got completely fished I had qk h on a q j 10 board...happy it and got called on every street..the str8 didn't come in but still had top pair 2nd kicker...the river was another 10, bit of a scare card but didn't think he would of called it down that far with bottom pair on the ft for nearly all his chips......oh was I wrong...he shoved his last 26k into a pot of 185k of course I had to call n he showed 10 6 the dirty little rat!! lol oh well that's poker, just **** annoying when it happens on the ft after playing for 4hrs!! ok no more bad beat story's I promise!!!
ft the 3k bh was in 1st in great shape till I got completely fished I had qk h on a q j 10 board...happy it and got called on every street..the str8 didn't come in but still had top pair 2nd kicker...the river was another 10, bit of a scare card but didn't think he would of called it down that far with bottom pair on the ft for nearly all his chips......oh was I wrong...he shoved his last 26k into a pot of 185k of course I had to call n he showed 10 6 the dirty little rat!! lol oh well that's poker, just **** annoying when it happens on the ft after playing for 4hrs!! ok no more bad beat story's I promise!!! 3k bh LmfaoAllin 0 5 £102.30 + £45.54 Head Prizes 7 Posted by LmfaoAllin
I'm off to Blackpool this evening, hope you all run well.
ATTN - Vicey!!!! I have left Boxster a message to keep the names in the Orfordable thread up to date this evening as I am away, but if you are online this evening, can you keep an eye on it for me just incase he isn't about.
Hi all not been posting or playing much lately a mixture of not having the time and not enjoying the game.
Min cash from £1.5k BH waller02036£5.35 + £7.15 Head Prizes3 Had a look through this thread and it's good to see the cashes rolling of luck all
Great Cashes Guys.......and very nice ROYAL FLUSH GELDY in the Freeroll !!!!!!!!!!!!! How come you only called him on the River though?? Good Luck today everyone Posted by MISTY4ME
I could say that I thought there was more chance of getting some chips out of the 3rd guy by flatting than getting any more out of the guy that bet. but actually I was just busy on my other tables. also I was happy enough that someone bet into me. lucky the third guy was there o/w I could've been done for collusion for not betting the nuts when last to act.
Hi all,
I'm back from my holiday, just in time to play the PLO8 league, managed to bink this one.
Finally managed to get back on here after having no internet for nearly a month
nice little win to get the bank roll going happy to be back been bored no internet no footie on tv lol
3k bh LmfaoAllin05£102.30 + £45.54 Head Prizes7
I'm off to Blackpool this evening, hope you all run well.
ATTN - Vicey!!!!
I have left Boxster a message to keep the names in the Orfordable thread up to date this evening as I am away, but if you are online this evening, can you keep an eye on it for me just incase he isn't about.
Good Luck everyone
Min cash from £1.5k BH
waller02036£5.35 + £7.15 Head Prizes3
Had a look through this thread and it's good to see the cashes rolling of luck all
I could say that I thought there was more chance of getting some chips out of the 3rd guy by flatting than getting any more out of the guy that bet. but actually I was just busy on my other tables. also I was happy enough that someone bet into me. lucky the third guy was there o/w I could've been done for collusion for not betting the nuts when last to act.