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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited July 2015
    Nuggy962023£11.77 + £15.23 Head Prizes
    Little one from me in the 9:30

    Run well all
  • bracewell1bracewell1 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2015
    Nice cashes guys!, 

    two to post from tonight

    250 speed
    10k Bh
    bracewell116650001£1301.30 + £264.39 Head Prizes7

    Cheers for the rail lmfaoAllin to.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Nice cashes guys!,  two to post from tonight 250 speed bracewell1 480000 1 £107.89 10k Bh bracewell1 1665000 1 £1301.30 + £264.39 Head Prizes 7 Cheers for the rail lmfaoAllin to.
    Posted by bracewell1
    Very nice result bracewell - well done m8
  • bracewell1bracewell1 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2015
    Cheers Trev, was frustrated to finish 2nd the other week so happy to take it down now.

    Gl everyone.
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited July 2015
    Fab results all this week - specially JJ in the Orfy, DA in the bh game and Bracewell last night too.

    Hope you all run golden this weekend - I wasn't planning on playing much tonight but just managed to win a £12 sat for entry into the roller tonight so guess I'd better get dinner going soon lol.

    15 / 1000
    Players Left
    0 / 15
    IrishRose - £15k Super Roller
  • MilitantGMilitantG Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Nice cashes guys!,  two to post from tonight 250 speed bracewell1 480000 1 £107.89 10k Bh bracewell1 1665000 1 £1301.30 + £264.39 Head Prizes 7 Cheers for the rail lmfaoAllin to.
    Posted by bracewell1
    Amazing result man, i've noticed you've been running deep a lot lately, so well done on the binkage!
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited July 2015
    Moving things to house tomorrow and moving in Thursday .... Nearly back!
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited July 2015
    vwp bracewell
    gl rose in the roller
    and u2 matt with your student lifestyle

  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited July 2015
    Very nice bracewell, 2 binks and 1 the main.

    Few little uns from me tonight in 250 gtd and 1k bh.LmfaoAllin03£42.07LmfaoAllin06£29.75 + £9.99 Head Prizes4
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    Very well done bracewell and all the others who cashed. Playing on my phone it's killing me. But I managed to get 199 in 1k fr and got a quid. So Impressed with that am getting better at playing on my phone now.

    Good luck all run golden and run deep all
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited July 2015

         Message in chat from an old friend who was given special permission by Sky to chat in DTD tonight in honour of Dale.

      spornybol: as you know i can`t post forum but let them know DTD Thread was fun meeting up with old friends shame some are not with us :)
  • mattprawnmattprawn Member Posts: 632
    edited July 2015
    Late in from work today.  Very sorry to miss the DTD this week.

    Apologies to all that I have been rather elusive of late.  Around a month or so ago I decided I needed a break from poker. I was playing badly and not really enjoying the game.  It got to the stage when I was playing on autopilot and rather a poor autopilot at that.  Rather than rely on self control alone, I used the Self-exclusion option on Sky to take a month off, without realising it also excluded me from the forum and from observing.

    So, as I result, I have been unable to congratulate the likes of Angel on great victories and more importantly to offer my huge condolences on the very sad news.  So sorry to hear the news of Dale, never met him in person but he was clearly an inspiration to many. 


  • mattprawnmattprawn Member Posts: 632
    edited July 2015

    After a disappointing Sunday (near miss on Notts in the UKPC final - 18th with 15 seats, small cash in the mini roller and a mid game exit in the Roller) I nearly didn't bother tonight.

    Got in at 9.30pm from work, just in time to late reg the UKPC semi and the £50 9pm BH.  Also played the £50 10.30pm BH.  Anyhow glad I did...

    mattprawn83707Entry to £250k UKPC Final

    9pm BH

    mattprawn2750001£508.75 + £257.44 Head Prizes5£83.10
    10.30pm BH
    mattprawn06£73.50 + £37.50 Head Prizes2 
    Good luck to you all.


  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2015
    Well done mat - nice to see you back.

    Congrats TPTers on a well deseved DTD Victory............

    Well done to Pom taking it down & a great effort by stoke who was just outside the top 10.
  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited July 2015
    Nice1 Matt great night for you, must feel great after how you must of been feeling to take a month off, something which im sure most if not all poker players will relate too. All the sweeter to come back fresh with a total 1k take, wp.

    Also wp to Pom in DTD, i also managed to get a few points on the board, and remembered to reg this wk lolLmfaoAllin7450001£41.25LuckyOTR02£24.90chillchoi03£15.30Largearce04£12.15pomfrittes05£10.35
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited July 2015
    today is a very sad day as we bid farewell to our comrade and vice captain and my great friend dale edwards rest in piece my friend
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    today is a very sad day as we bid farewell to our comrade and vice captain and my great friend dale edwards rest in piece my friend
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,381
    edited July 2015
    Sad Farewell to Dale......R.I.P.our dear Friend.

    ......and I'm sorry to say a sad farewell to SKY POKER for a long, long time. I have decided that after last week, it's cost me enough in my quest to get to the UKPC Finals in Nottingham, and after my experiences today, trying to play (only) 2 tables and constantly losing connection. I have decided enough is enough, and to stop playing on here altogether.
    Having complained about the issues I have been having, I was treated with utter contempt by one of the technical support staff (Daniel B). I can understand that they may be having technical issues, but these arent my fault, and when I told them how unhappy I was, to be told......"Great......have a good day" was just so disgusting that I no longer want to be part of SKY POKER and I am going to play elsewhere.

    I wish you all the best, and I'm sure I may well return one day.....I will certainly keep popping into the TPT forum to check up on all of you, coz I class you and the Poker community as my friends.........

    .......and one thing I have noticed is that when you have time away you certainly seem to come back with a WINNING flourish.........FUNNY THAT !!!!!!!! 
    I think GELDY worked that one out some time ago.........( :D}
    WELL DONE MattP and Bracewell on your fantastic cashes and GOOD LUCK to you ALL..........

    And as ALWAYS.........

    May the CASH be with you ALL

    Best Wishes

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Sad Farewell to Dale......R.I.P.our dear Friend. ......and I'm sorry to say a sad farewell to SKY POKER for a long, long time. I have decided that after last week, it's cost me enough in my quest to get to the UKPC Finals in Nottingham, and after my experiences today, trying to play (only) 2 tables and constantly losing connection. I have decided enough is enough, and to stop playing on here altogether. Having complained about the issues I have been having, I was treated with utter contempt by one of the technical support staff (Daniel B). I can understand that they may be having technical issues, but these arent my fault, and when I told them how unhappy I was, to be told......"Great......have a good day" was just so disgusting that I no longer want to be part of SKY POKER and I am going to play elsewhere. I wish you all the best, and I'm sure I may well return one day.....I will certainly keep popping into the TPT forum to check up on all of you, coz I class you and the Poker community as my friends......... .......and one thing I have noticed is that when you have time away you certainly seem to come back with a WINNING flourish.........FUNNY THAT !!!!!!!!  I think GELDY worked that one out some time ago.........( :D} WELL DONE MattP and Bracewell on your fantastic cashes and GOOD LUCK to you ALL.......... And as ALWAYS......... May the CASH be with you ALL Best Wishes JEZ  (MISTY4ME)
    Posted by MISTY4ME

    I am totally beside myself reading this! Jez I am totally gutted and really upset at reading this. I love it when we are on the same table and also railing when your on a table. We bounce off one another and we seem to read each others minds. I am always in fits of laughter with tears in my eyes from our banter. You my dearest Jezabelle will be really sadly missed. xxxx  I really hoped that you would be going to notts so I could eventually meet my partner in mischief. Miss you already.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    today is a very sad day as we bid farewell to our comrade and vice captain and my great friend dale edwards rest in piece my friend
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
    Beautiful Flowers Jonny. It was a great service and justice was done to a great man. There were tears and laughter and many many poker stories told. I for one wish that when I go I could have a service as good as that one.

    R.I. P Dale, Team Dagg forever. xx
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