Poor night on the MTT tables last night...........
Ran everything into everything & then some.
Never before have I ran so many premium pocket pairs into sets & then sets into straights lol.
Mainly dissapointed in myself though. Overall I thought I played a lot of those hands pretty badly & really should have found the FOLD Button more often.
NOTE TO SELF.........sometimes they do have it & sometimes it's best to let it go.
Words of wisdom.......Most of the time we just get unlucky........The rest of the time we just played it badly.
Positive things to note.........IT'S FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!
Some GREAT Cashes Guys'n'Gals........WELL DONE everyone.......
........and just when I was going to give it up as a bad job..............
Entry to £250k UKPC Final
Entry to £250k UKPC Final + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £120, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
Entry to £250k UKPC Final
Entry to £250k UKPC Final
Entry to £250k UKPC Final
Entry to £250k UKPC Final
Entry to £250k UKPC Final
Thanks so much for ALL your support and GOOD LUCK wishes(especially James in the semi, and Roseeeeeee and Angel in the sats).......they finally all worked !!!!!!!
GOOD LUCK everyone still playing tonight, and for tomorrow. See you Sunday.......and as ALWAYS..........
........May the CASH be with you ALL
EDIT: Well Done TREV and James in the Orfy.......nice cashes
Eldest sons 9th birthday, great day out with the family.
Then nice evening of poker, binked ukpc semi seat from freeroll, 17/45 in event, bumped into Misty on tables was nice.
LmfaoAllin18933.127Entry to £250k UKPC Semi 2nd time ever played orfy, was good laugh, sumin bit diff 10 handed ft 5th, got nuva fri off 28th so will def play againLmfaoAllin05£16.08 Also played rewards fr, 24/848LmfaoAllin024£10
Some GREAT Cashes Guys'n'Gals........WELL DONE everyone....... ........and just when I was going to give it up as a bad job.............. Adz300 36165 1 Entry to £250k UKPC Final aussie09 23563.75 2 Entry to £250k UKPC Final + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £120, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee. MISTY4ME 16943.75 3 Entry to £250k UKPC Final Jim_D_Mole 15545 4 Entry to £250k UKPC Final ninianpk 12365 5 Entry to £250k UKPC Final MICKAA 9535 6 Entry to £250k UKPC Final RockSolid 6782.50 7 Entry to £250k UKPC Final Thanks so much for ALL your support and GOOD LUCK wishes(especially James in the semi, and Roseeeeeee and Angel in the sats).......they finally all worked !!!!!!! GOOD LUCK everyone still playing tonight, and for tomorrow. See you Sunday.......and as ALWAYS.......... ........May the CASH be with you ALL EDIT: Well Done TREV and James in the Orfy.......nice cashes Posted by MISTY4ME
Wiiiiii well done misty......now take your time and bring it home. Was a tired day yesterday where all I needed was sleep. Was gonna reg for mini glad I didn't as would have missed it. So proud of you and was great to share the tables with you again. Gl gl gl all this weekend run golden and run deep all. Will be railing Sunday.
I cashed in my first ever live tournament too a few years back. Like you I only remember playing one hand, it was a pretty big one though, 250K Pot where shorty was all-in & a fellow player came along for the ride in a side pot.
I was holding AK (Spades) flopped the A & Turned a K for 2 pairs, unfortunately, I had also hit the Nut Flush on the river and got a bit of a dressing down from the dealer cause I did'nt bet on it (Bad etiquette not to bet on the nut hand apparently) but that was news to me as it was my first ever live game.
Anyway cashed for £365.00 and if I recall it was non other than TommyD who dealt my fate after running my AJ in his JJ and I didn't improve. It was truley an amazing experience and one I will never forget.
Little one from me in the Orfordable last night.................
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi Wheels. I did send you a reply to let you know I was in contact with them. There were a couple of hiccups with tonights game, so I will try and sort that out for the next month. After that I will send you a PM with all the details so you can organise all future Private Tournies, if you are happy to do so? Posted by POKERTREV
Tonight was my most hard-fought and enjoyable bink I've ever had. Apart from the fact that it's always a tough field, there was a lot of suspect sportsmanship going on. And I felt I played best tonight when I got HU. I must mention I had one massive suckout when we were on the FT bubble (unlucky nagrom), but I didnt have much luck yesterday when I finished 3rd so I felt it was kinda deserved.
£502.50 + £120.21 Head Prizes
£191.25 + £112.21 Head Prizes
And if i'm not mistaken RSPCA took the other major BH, so congrats to him and most iumportantly
Also nice cashes to everyone, notables that I can remember are Lmao ( always cashing across the board), FlashJonny on the HR (excellent result), and welcome to Kamcio (remember to post your cashes and get involved on the forums ).
Gl to all on the tables and especially those going to UKPC (wish I pulled my finger out; but I've never played live so i've already thrown the towel in )
And anyone on a bad run, remember to keep your heart, focus, and take a break when you feel like it.
Also nice cashes to everyone, notables that I can remember are Lmao ( always cashing across the board), FlashJonny on the HR (excellent result), and welcome to Kamcio (remember to post your cashes and get involved on the forums ). Gl to all on the tables and especially those going to UKPC (wish I pulled my finger out; but I've never played live so i've already thrown the towel in ) And anyone on a bad run, remember to keep your heart, focus, and take a break when you feel like it. Posted by MilitantG
G why throw in the towel! Fgs man up will ya lol. You've been playing a lot longer than I have. Come on give it a go! How you think I feel. Would be great to see you there. Well done all Tpt on your cashes.
Tonight was my most hard-fought and enjoyable bink I've ever had. Apart from the fact that it's always a tough field, there was a lot of suspect sportsmanship going on. And I felt I played best tonight when I got HU. I must mention I had one massive suckout when we were on the FT bubble (unlucky nagrom), but I didnt have much luck yesterday when I finished 3rd so I felt it was kinda deserved. MilitantG 335000 1 £502.50 + £120.21 Head Prizes 2 MilitantG 0 3 £191.25 + £112.21 Head Prizes 4 And if i'm not mistaken RSPCA took the other major BH, so congrats to him and most iumportantly a TPT DOUBLE!!! Posted by MilitantG
Great work Militant - some fine cashes sir.
Ref: UKPC, even if you have never played live, don't give up on it, it is a fantastic experience & one I would recommend to anyone.
Also nice cashes to everyone, notables that I can remember are Lmao ( always cashing across the board), FlashJonny on the HR (excellent result), and welcome to Kamcio (remember to post your cashes and get involved on the forums ). Gl to all on the tables and especially those going to UKPC (wish I pulled my finger out; but I've never played live so i've already thrown the towel in) And anyone on a bad run, remember to keep your heart, focus, and take a break when you feel like it. Posted by MilitantG
come on Milly - one of the reasons for writing my blog was to help inspire other live virgins to take the plunge - don't let that all go to waste.
Ran everything into everything & then some.
Never before have I ran so many premium pocket pairs into sets & then sets into straights lol.
Mainly dissapointed in myself though. Overall I thought I played a lot of those hands pretty badly & really should have found the FOLD Button more often.
NOTE TO SELF.........sometimes they do have it & sometimes it's best to let it go.
Words of wisdom.......Most of the time we just get unlucky........The rest of the time we just played it badly.
Positive things to note.........IT'S FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!
See you all at the table guys. - GL
Eldest sons 9th birthday, great day out with the family.
Then nice evening of poker, binked ukpc semi seat from freeroll, 17/45 in event, bumped into Misty on tables was nice.
LmfaoAllin18933.127Entry to £250k UKPC Semi
2nd time ever played orfy, was good laugh, sumin bit diff 10 handed ft 5th, got nuva fri off 28th so will def play againLmfaoAllin05£16.08
Also played rewards fr, 24/848LmfaoAllin024£10
I cashed in my first ever live tournament too a few years back. Like you I only remember playing one hand, it was a pretty big one though, 250K Pot where shorty was all-in & a fellow player came along for the ride in a side pot.
I was holding AK (Spades) flopped the A & Turned a K for 2 pairs, unfortunately, I had also hit the Nut Flush on the river and got a bit of a dressing down from the dealer cause I did'nt bet on it (Bad etiquette not to bet on the nut hand apparently) but that was news to me as it was my first ever live game.
Anyway cashed for £365.00 and if I recall it was non other than TommyD who dealt my fate after running my AJ in his JJ and I didn't improve. It was truley an amazing experience and one I will never forget.
Little one from me in the Orfordable last night.................
Nice cashes all. Good luck on the tables and hope the poker angels are on your side.
Run golden and run deep all.
Ref: UKPC, even if you have never played live, don't give up on it, it is a fantastic experience & one I would recommend to anyone.
Well Done also to RSPCA.