as some off you know i`v not been around much as i was physically and mentaly shattered, so i took my bankroll out but left a pound so that way i can`t ruin it, so before i deposit i thought i`d build that £1 bankroll by playing a couple freerolls and low dyms, well over the week if played 20 dyms and won 16 and at the mo i`ve won 5 in a row and also had a couple off small cashes in the freeroll for which i will never rebuy or do an add-on. so from that £1 in have slowly got up £6.60.
WD guys in DTD champions again.Trev love the photo great stuff.N1 bhoys gl in the free tournie,when is the tournie? Gl sporn all the best with your br m8.Hope to see you back soon yidette.Gl at the tables guys.
Laura11 has been invited to Join TPT after being introduced to TPT by MrBurns.
If you have any questions regarding the Monday Forum DTD Tournies or anything else Poker Related (Or Other Just ask on this thread and the TPTers are usually able to help.
so its not one person we,re playin ,, its a team.wondered why u lot check/fold 2 each other lol.surprised sky allow it.............. Posted by mickgil75
Thks guys. seems that I need to keep a high standard going as I have just joined THE top team of the month. Can anyone get me up to date on the forum tourneys. maybe I can be pointed in the right direction.
Well done to the best team for taking down the DTD League!! Love the pic captain
Well done MR J for an excellent win!!
Great result Sporny - keep it up!!
Hope your youngest gets better soon and look forward to seeing you back at the tables MOO
Last but in no way least - a very big welcome to the team Laura !! The forum tournies are Monday night, called the DTD which is 3 tournies- a DS at 7.15pm, another DS at 7.45pm and Take on Tikay at 8.30pm (combined entry £5.50) and the Friday Orfordable (£3.30) at 7.10pm. Both have a thread on General Poker chat where you need to register for your scores to count towards the team.
Good luck at the tables to you and all of the team
welcome laura11 to TPT check your profile for freindship pending, if you need any question answered just post on this thread we are all here to help. the team plays on monday DTD which is posted in gen chat on friday by scousered or dtwbandit it`s 3 games for £5.50 and all good fun,
a question for trev, although all TPT`ers are star players do we get a star as avater for hattrick off league ? just wondering because i`m missing mine, lol
a question for trev, although all TPT`ers are star players do we get a star as avater for hattrick off league ? just wondering because i`m missing mine, lol Posted by spornybol
With our reputation Spornybol - we don't need a Star Avatar - Peeps already know we are good.
champions again !!!!!!!! well played everyone ,just wish i could take part more often but have to get up at stupid oclock for work..roll on march time when it slackens off ....also a huge welcome to laura 11
Well Played to All TPTers - You are the Nuts!!!!
gl all on the tables
Laura11 has been invited to Join TPT after being introduced to TPT by MrBurns.
If you have any questions regarding the Monday Forum DTD Tournies or anything else Poker Related (Or Other
Good Luck at the Tables
Welcome to the team Laura!
Thks guys. seems that I need to keep a high standard going as I have just joined THE top team of the month. Can anyone get me up to date on the forum tourneys. maybe I can be pointed in the right direction.
Well done MR J for an excellent win!!
Great result Sporny - keep it up!!
Hope your youngest gets better soon and look forward to seeing you back at the tables MOO
Last but in no way least - a very big welcome to the team Laura !!
The forum tournies are Monday night, called the DTD which is 3 tournies- a DS at 7.15pm, another DS at 7.45pm and Take on Tikay at 8.30pm (combined entry £5.50) and the Friday Orfordable (£3.30) at 7.10pm. Both have a thread on General Poker chat where you need to register for your scores to count towards the team.
Good luck at the tables to you and all of the team
just wondering because i`m missing mine, lol
thks scorpio and sporny for the info. I may be able to take part on friday and next monday.
GL idonkcallu and the rest of the team.
either way GL in both tournies - run golden FTW!!
November Week 4 team Result
Team Runners Wins Team Points League points
Pokertrev 19 - 15 7
Ninja Plonkers 6 - 9 6
Knightplop 9 - 5 5
Team Sky 1 - 4 4
HitSquad 19 1 2 3
DYM LegEnds 2 1 1 2
Team 51 16 - 0 1
Team Runners Wins Team Points League Points
PokerTrev 76 4 59 24
Hitsquad 71 1 45 18
KnightPlop 36 - 17 18
Team 51 67 1 27 16
Ninja Plonkers 25 1 19 16
Team Sky 6 1 15 11
DYM Leg Ends 21 1 1 9
Congrats Trev & Team, convincing & well-deserved!!