In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi Bracewell. Its always tough seeing the flop after you have folded especially when the 10 drops, but I see nothing wrong with folding here to re-raise. Most times you not gonna hit that set on the flop. Theres always a better spot. Posted by POKERTREV
thanks for the advice trev, i was little frustrated when i saw the 10 on the flop but I just thought i werent deep enough to set hunt specially with the small stack still left to act, even if i seen all undercards im most likely facing a shove an was scared of an overpair.
a little cash in the 8.30 £1000 guarenteed b/h last night .didn`t post it last night as i was fuming and the laptop nearly went out the window was one of chip leaders then lost a huge pot when someone it a 3 outer on the river against me ,then i hit top pair shoved all in on turn and someone hit a gutshot against me grrrrrr!!!!
Hi rmarshall1 welcome to TPT. Railing fees are as follows Pre Final Table - Free Final Table - 5% of total winnings. Hire 2 railers get the 3rd one free!*
don`t if me me but i`m getting rite xxxx players hitting every time so taking time out, gl all tables and nice cashes, of course i will pop n to check how`s ya doing
i will try hardest to do the best i can.
Pre Final Table - Free
Final Table - 5% of total winnings. Hire 2 railers get the 3rd one free!*
*This may or may not be a joke
4.00pm BH
MRBURNS403£58.30 + £27.73 Head Prizes + 38 League Points5
Welcome to the best team rmarshall1!
Nice cashes MRJ, MRB and unbpower - wd!
A small cash from me in the hi lo at 4.55pm- many thanks for the rail JJ, Mr J and Jonny
scorpio13 0 2 £4.50 + 8 League Points
any cashes mtt only then post here
nice cashes guys
Welcome to TPT rmarshall1
Nice cashes all, run well at the tables.
vul Idonkcallu, wp in getting to Friday
WD all on the cashes and welcome to D ick, oops sorry Rick Marshall.
Excellent performance from Scorpio in deepy, get in.
A couple of contributions from myself.
13 th in Thurdays 3k BH with 4 bounties Total prize 39 1sh.
1st (AGAIN) in the 500 GTD PLO for 200.
Unlucky Donk, but well done for surviving till friday!
Very very well done Pom for taking down the PLO
Special thanks to JJ who helped me to conquer the bubble and also to the other TPTers who popped in to rail which made me go on to win
£150 Deep StackTournament CompleteFinished at 02:04 - 14 JanRegistered137 / 1000Players Left0 / 1371scorpio13 - £73.98 + 20 League Points2sp4rticus - £43.02 + 16 League Points3theshed - £30.14 + 14 League Points4mustbnice - £24.66 + 12 League Points5ohohchungo - £20 + 10 League Points6tricky0163 - £16.44 + 8 League Points7micawber - £13.70 + 6 League Points