In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : i'm up for a couple of more guest players be good to get to around the 30 mark so 5 will cash, wouldn't want too many more though as it is a TPT tourney afterall! personally i would prefer the same structure every week, not keen on a bh for example (mrb will prob disagree!) Posted by waller02
I agree with you Waller, 30 would be a nice number. I am not a big BH fan myself, but wouldn't mind if we alternated to suit everyone. I myself would prefer a deeper stack tournament if possible at least 3k starting stack if not more.
Nice cashes everyone and especially nice to see you cashing again JJ. WD! Now we need to help Pom find his luckbox again.
Nice win in the hi lo luckbox 67, and hope your trip to London is successful MRB and your headaches are soon a thing of the past- can i borrow your luckbox while you are away pleeeeeeease?
Nice to see you back and cashing again, POKEY.
As to the monthly tourney i think 30 is a better number as well with 5 cashing, and i think it should be done with a handicap system so that 'gods' and players with luckboxes should get half the chips us mere mortals get, lol.
Nice cashes all 10th in the mini open last night £10.23, well done jonny too and thank you all for the rail. Hope all goes well MrBurns. Good to see you back Scorpio! Posted by MADMOO
WD madmoo unbpower torry dagg marshall and jonny nice cashes.WD trev gl in both tournies.I like the idea of a 10 seater as the banter would be great.Guests would be great, as would other team captains.I'd prefer a deeper stack to.Gl at the tables guys.Nice to see you back scorpio and not only cause i miss my cc lol.
Nice cashes all, I am in need of some lucky dust atm. Cashed in two but got back less than the buy-ins.
7:15 DS Red_King019£2.02 + 1 League Points 22:05 400 BH Red_King095£0.75 Head Prizes1 Satted into tonights £3k BH, out early with QQ, J high flop, I shove turn, Q on river, gives oppo str8, 8-Q, pfft. Oh how we love that Sky river card, LOL.
Satted into Thursday ME, £15k BH, will be attempting sats 4 cash until Thurs. sirgalah11292601£15k Sky Sports BHBar8866402£15k Sky Sports BHDideusboo40703£15k Sky Sports BHRed_King40304£15k Sky Sports BHtrebor7605£13.20
TPT private tourney I'm going to pm SkyDave on Monday with some ideas for future games. I agree with some who have posted my personal preference is for a monthly game at £5.50. But can we have more suggestions please? Different formats are a possibility as someone has already mentioned. The more players that post means that we can try and come up with a format that satisfies more people. What are your thoughts on guests? Should we have more? Do we need more? What about one TPT member inviting their own couple of guests for each tourney on a rota basis? Please give me your ideas and see if we can make this a regular feature. Posted by FlyingDagg
Re: Private tourney's, thought there was a minimum of 20 players FD? There was one in the lobby tonight, "Hibees Bounce" £5.50 but only 11 registered?
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes: In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : Re: Private tourney's, thought there was a minimum of 20 players FD? There was one in the lobby tonight, "Hibees Bounce" £5.50 but only 11 registered? Posted by Red_King
Sky didn't actually set a minimum. What they said was if the tourney got less than 20 they would have to reconsider whether it was feasible to run it again. So a minimum of 20 was the target.
Nice cashes everyone and especially nice to see you cashing again JJ. WD! Now we need to help Pom find his luckbox again.

Nice win in the hi lo luckbox 67, and hope your trip to London is successful MRB and your headaches are soon a thing of the past- can i borrow your luckbox while you are away pleeeeeeease?
Nice to see you back and cashing again, POKEY.
As to the monthly tourney i think 30 is a better number as well with 5 cashing, and i think it should be done with a handicap system so that 'gods' and players with luckboxes should get half the chips us mere mortals get, lol.
Good luck at the tables TPT
Qualified for Sky Roller not once but twice as I won both satelites that I was playing simultaniously, so £110.00 in the kitty also whoop whoop.
WD trev nice cashes.
Cashed in two but got back less than the buy-ins.
7:15 DS
Red_King019£2.02 + 1 League Points
22:05 400 BH
Red_King095£0.75 Head Prizes1
Satted into tonights £3k BH, out early with QQ, J high flop,
I shove turn, Q on river, gives oppo str8, 8-Q, pfft.
Oh how we love that Sky river card, LOL.
Satted into Thursday ME, £15k BH, will be attempting sats 4 cash until Thurs.
sirgalah11292601£15k Sky Sports BHBar8866402£15k Sky Sports BHDideusboo40703£15k Sky Sports BHRed_King40304£15k Sky Sports BHtrebor7605£13.20
There was one in the lobby tonight, "Hibees Bounce" £5.50 but only 11 registered?
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : Re: Private tourney's, thought there was a minimum of 20 players FD? There was one in the lobby tonight, "Hibees Bounce" £5.50 but only 11 registered?
Posted by Red_King
Sky didn't actually set a minimum. What they said was if the tourney got less than 20 they would have to reconsider whether it was feasible to run it again. So a minimum of 20 was the target.