Just a reminder to get your votes in for which day we play the TPT private game. Only 10 votes sofar so come on TPT get voting HERE Posted by FlyingDagg
Nice cashes Jonny, Trevor , scorpio and "Quelle surprise Rodney quelle surprise" Mrburns4. Good luck all in Orfordable tonight and good luck in Survivor 67.
Good Luck to All Playing
Orfordable Thread
Managed a 2nd in the 20gtd- ty once again for the rail JJ

dennis03 72000 1 £14.40 + 10 League Points
scorpio13 0 2 £9 + 8 League Points
Good luck again surviving 67 and TID TPT in the Orfy tonight- JJ FTW
edit run better MRB, lol- nice cash
Good luck all
400 timed
Just can't seem to win a race, can't win from miles in front, can't win from behind.
Spotting a pattern here!
3rd for me in the £100gtd Hi Lo
Crashed out of survivor, lost 2 flips back to back
Money for me in 7-15 deepy
this is defo for you guys
Thank you for the rail in the main event Red
6k Rebuy
MRBURNS406£368.50 + 120 League Points