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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012
    WD j3ono unbpower and jeffter nice cashes.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012
    Small cash in tonights £1200 mini B/H, was 12/12, shoved utg with A5, then lost connction.
    When I got logged back in, I was out, checked hand history, got re-shoved by KK then AA.
    Red_King012£8.21 + £7.41 Head Prizes + 1 League Points3 
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012

    WD redking nice cash.

  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited April 2012

       Just finished my fave tourney 8.05 500 bh. Thanks for the rail Sporny. Yes Sporny , who is playing DTD on Monday.

    pomfrittes6240001£78 + £24.83 Head Prizes + 20 League Points9 
    supersmith02£46.80 + £26.37 Head Prizes + 16 League Points16 
    DTWBANDIT03£31.20 + £8.32 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7

  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012
    WD pomm nice cash.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited April 2012
    Won't be around for the next couple of weeks so good luck to all of TPT in whatever games that you play.
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012
    jjjach03£2.20 + 6 League PointsLittle cash in hi lo thingy.
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited April 2012
    Well done on all your cashes and enjoy your time away kiwi.

    Just wondered what peoples thoughts were with this team diamond as are we not moving away from what the DTD is about a bit of fun or is this just a natural development of a growing site? 

    Ps sorry to disappoint anyone your stuck with me in TPT not thinking of jumping ship lol

    Good luck at the tables
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012
    To be honest mrb when i first saw the diamond thread i thought it was someone joking.Still more teams the better as far as i'm concerned.
  • POKEY2011POKEY2011 Member Posts: 311
    edited April 2012


    Good luck to all TPT players taking part in Cardiff ME tomorrow, i shall be doing my best to run deep and hoping to take this event down for the whole of TPT - running well live at present,(18 tournaments / 7 cashes / final tables:  lets hope this continues tomorrow.

    Wish me luck all - POKEY2011 Chris Jones Bristol

  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited April 2012
    Good luck pokey TAKE IT DOWN FOR TPT.
    Do we have any other TPTer's playing Cardiff? 
    MrB glad you decided to stay with us I don't think you need staking for a 2 quid tourney by Team diamond lol. When I first saw this I thought staking players only happened in live games or in the meta online tourneys but obviously not. Have you seen the post where they lay out the basic staking format? Who the **** wants staking for the 2 quid deepie or the Orfordable? As a player who has made a nice profit playing at those levels why would I want to give away 40% of my winnings? What happens when I hit the lean period where my biggest cash in a month was about 7quid? I reckon I would be out on my a r s e. And yes MrB if you joined you would have to start at my level lol. If you are being staked can you stake other players or will there be a core of original members who do the staking? If it's the latter then the only risk they have is at the lowest level as their stake amount will only increase when the player they are staking has won the staker enough money to move up a level. I think you can expect Team Diamond to go through more team sheet changes as players are dropped than Man Utd playing in the Carling Cup. And for that reason as Duncan Bannatyne says " Aam Ooot"

    Edited to say: the only plus point for the player being staked is that he can get started without any bankroll at all
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited April 2012
    Still awaiting P.M. confirmation from Sky Dave but it's provisionally set for 9pm 2nd May. Regular Holdem with a £5-50 buy in. I'm afraid it will now be Monday before I can confirm it but everyone on my list of friends will get full details in a P.M. and I'll also post it on Facebook
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited April 2012
    Weee what a week!
    Ive just found out off DTWBandit on Facebook I won the caption contest on 865 last night! £33 BH ticket .Lovely stuff.
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012

    Gl pokey in cardiff TID.

  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Good luck pokey TAKE IT DOWN FOR TPT. Do we have any other TPTer's playing Cardiff?  MrB glad you decided to stay with us I don't think you need staking for a 2 quid tourney by Team diamond lol. When I first saw this I thought staking players only happened in live games or in the meta online tourneys but obviously not. Have you seen the post where they lay out the basic staking format? Who the **** wants staking for the 2 quid deepie or the Orfordable? As a player who has made a nice profit playing at those levels why would I want to give away 40% of my winnings? What happens when I hit the lean period where my biggest cash in a month was about 7quid? I reckon I would be out on my a r s e. And yes MrB if you joined you would have to start at my level lol. If you are being staked can you stake other players or will there be a core of original members who do the staking? If it's the latter then the only risk they have is at the lowest level as their stake amount will only increase when the player they are staking has won the staker enough money to move up a level. I think you can expect Team Diamond to go through more team sheet changes as players are dropped than Man Utd playing in the Carling Cup. And for that reason as Duncan Bannatyne says " Aam Ooot" Edited to say: the only plus point for the player being staked is that he can get started without any bankroll at all
    Posted by FlyingDagg

    I also see it in the same way the only time I would consider any backing would be for very big buy  events i.e in the 1000s as why would a winning player want to give away any earnings as you can bankroll yourself.

    The way I look at it like everything in life no free lunch in life and unless a deal benfits both sides it always leads to conflict by the party felt hard done by. I just hope players that join go in wth both eyes open and not be blinded by being bankrolled. Which leads back to the orginal problem to make being backed work you need to be playing above your buy in bankroll and this structure even at top tear in my opion is not close, but I wish them luck and will be interesting to see how brutal their team gets lol
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited April 2012
    Well done Flash and JJ and anybody I have missed.

    Nice FD see you at the FT and good luck in Cardiff pokey hope you come back with less space on you mantlepeace!

    Not about for the next day or so gl all on the tables

    4pm BH

    MRBURNS403£43.40 + £19.69 Head Prizes + 28 League Points4
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited April 2012
    Exactly Burnsy. If something sounds to good to be true then it usually is
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2012
    nice cashes guys.
    ive just won a 2 QUID bh
          stokefc2380001£35.37 + £13.41 Head Prizes + 20 League Points5£4.09sashman02£20.57 + £1.88 Head Prizes + 16 League Points2 skins64803£14.41 + £6.80 Head Prizes + 14 League Points6 wtf
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited April 2012
    just ftd orfy 6th place £15.75 4lp go trev
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited April 2012
    WD mrb stoke and jonny nice cashes.
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