Trev you were so close but my full name Jason Luck Box Michaelson
I am pleased I dont listern to myself and dispite not realy feeling up to it did play the cash tables today and had a realy profitable day. With todays play I still have a chance of making my c4p target total c4p so far 12649.
500 BH
MRBURNS408£24.75 + £17.82 Head Prizes + 6 League Points4
Well done Unp FD Steel Pom Donk and Red Trev you were so close but my full name Jason Luck Box MichaelsonI am pleased I dont listern to myself and dispite not realy feeling up to it did play the cash tables today and had a realy profitable day. With todays play I still have a chance of making my c4p target total c4p so far 12649. 500 BH MRBURNS4 0 8 £24.75 + £17.82 Head Prizes + 6 League Points 4 Posted by MRBURNS4
I must have been misinformed lol
Offical TPT Players at SPT Blackpool.
In order for our fellow TPTers to follow our progress in Blackpool, please add your real name next to your avatar (This is not compulsory) But Helps
Team Poker Titans - SPT Blackpool Attendees
MrBurns4 - Jason "Luckbox" Michaelson engy - PokerTrev - Trevor While FlyingDagg - Dale Edwards
Team Poker Titans - SPT Blackpool Attendees MrBurns4 - Jason "Luckbox" Michaelson engy - David English PokerTrev - Trevor While FlyingDagg - Dale Edwards FLASHJONNY -
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : I must have been misinformed lol Offical TPT Players at SPT Blackpool. In order for our fellow TPTers to follow our progress in Blackpool, please add your real name next to your avatar (This is not compulsory) But Helps Team Poker Titans - SPT Blackpool Attendees MrBurns4 - Jason "Luckbox" Michaelson engy - PokerTrev - Trevor While FlyingDagg - Dale Edwards FLASHJONNY - Posted by POKERTREV
Thanks for doing the list Trev it makes it so much easier following you all.
nice cashes everyone. gl tonight in the survivor jjjach. if i dont speak at the table tonight its because im out watching the football. my dad will be clicking buttons
last two times i've played the 2pm 500 bh i've been 2nd, i'm consistant if nothin else, now its 3 times!! 2pm 500 bh 2nd £64.60+£35.63 +36pts.... Posted by EASYFIX
Great Cashes mate, watched the other day and felt you weren't aggro enough heads up alot of button calling and flop checking, maybe next time just play the stacks and not worry about the cards. Anyway what do i know mrb is the best man for advice, but i do remember him saying something to me along these lines ) Run better pal.
Somethings definately gone astray j3, i make enough final tables but seem to lack either the luck or the aggression to finish it off... first six months of playin bh's i only lost 4 out of about 20 heads up, now its gone the other way...
Offical TPT Players at SPT Blackpool.
In order for our fellow TPTers to follow our progress in Blackpool, please add your real name next to your avatar
(This is not compulsory) But Helps
MrBurns4 - Jason "Luckbox" Michaelson
engy -
PokerTrev - Trevor While
FlyingDagg - Dale Edwards
MrBurns4 - Jason "Luckbox" Michaelson
engy - David English
PokerTrev - Trevor While
FlyingDagg - Dale Edwards
nice cashes all well done,gl in survivor jj,engy
gl in orfy all
Anyway what do i know mrb is the best man for advice, but i do remember him saying something to me along these lines
j3ono £13.30
jjjach £4.38
TINTIN £3.86
steelrod £3.87
FlyingDagg £3.41