Well done everybody who cashed. Thank you JJ for the rail in the main and so amazing to have so many guys from other teams declare themselves TPT for the night to rail me lol
It realy does make the difference to have railers when your deep in a big torny so tyvm
MRBURNS402£766.50 + £99.73 Head Prizes + 152 League Points6
WD to all who cashed.Nice to see you guys back from blackpool and glad you had a good time.Welcome to the team 1 onetime1 and bluedaz and gl on the tables.
Was a pleasure to rail you Mr B, even though I'm secretly looking for weaknesses . Very well played. You play the game in the right spirit and deserve the great results you get IMO.
1130 j3ono05£7.03 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3 1230 j3ono04£7.49 Head Prizes + 8 League Points3 1330 j3ono010£7.03 Head Prizes3 1430 j3ono06£6.10 Head Prizes3 3fts and no cash good luck guys
10.40pm 200bh 3rd £13.68+£3.94+10pts
WD mrb super cash and vwp.Keep them coming, i'll be a rich man soon lol.
found this on dtd page
First: 22/11/2010
Last: 26/6/2012
j3ono05£7.03 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3
j3ono04£7.49 Head Prizes + 8 League Points3
j3ono010£7.03 Head Prizes3
j3ono06£6.10 Head Prizes3
3fts and no cash
good luck guys
GRAND TOTAL £109240.55
Well done all who cashed in the DTD last night.
MRB you are my luckbox hero,lol- very well done!
Excellent results for Waller and Pom in the monthly- vwd and best of luck in your tournies
Small cash in the deepie last night- finished in 10th for the grand sum of £3.30 lol.
Gl all in your poker ventures and see you in the Orfy if not before
2pm BH
MRBURNS407£21.60 + £12.19 Head Prizes + 10 League Points3
4pm BH
MRBURNS408£17.75 + £17.82 Head Prizes + 6 League Points4