well done on the cashes everyone sorry i never railed any dtd last night but i tilt shut down computer after going out all 3 to big hand vs big hand gl at the tables
Hi guys just a quick post to ask how dtd works ? been a member of tpt a while now and never played it !!! details would be great as i always hear every1 talkin about it !!
DTD is only held on Monday nights and the 3 games are named DTD1, DTD2 and DTD3. Scousered or DTWbandit will post a thread usually on a Friday I believe. This thread will be stickied and in RED at the top of the general poker chat section of the forum. You need to post on that thread and register yourself in all 3 games for the following Monday for your score to count. Your best 2 scores will count. This has individual and team prizes. There is also the Orfordable on Friday nights which pokertrev runs.You also need to post on that thread if you want your score to count. This is an indivdual tournament where your best 2 scores count over a month This will also be in general poker chat but is NOT stickied at the top.I think the thread usually appears on Friday. If you are interested there is also this tournament running in the afternoons run by woogie called £2-20 @2-20. This runs everyday but you only have to play 3 a week for your score to count. Obviously the more you play the better chance you have. If you want to be include in the league table you also need to post on that thread. All these tournaments carry extra prizes alongside the usual finishing place prizes.
In summary DTD Monday night DTD1 7-15p.m. £2-20 DTD2 7-45p.m. £1-10 DTD3 8-30p.m. £2-20
Here is my summary for all the NEW Players - And a few things other may find helpful..........
Monday Forum DTD
On Monday Nights we play the Forum DTD where you can win Free Prizes each week and also Monthly prizes. We also run a league against the other forum teams for a bit of fun and banter.
The Monday Forum DTD consists of the following tourneys, which you will find in the lobby on Mondays....
DTD1 (£2.20) Deepstack
DTD2 (£1.10) Deepstack
DTD3 £2.20) NLH
Your best 2 scores from these 2 tourneys count towards the league and the added prizes. You will also have to post your name & team in the "Monday Forum DTD thread" in "General Poker Chat" section of the forum each week that you are available to play.
Friday Orfordable League
On Friday Evenings we also run a Monthly League Called the "Friday Orfordable"
Orfordable (£3.30) Deepstack
Again you will have to post your name in the "Friday Orfordable Thread" in General Poker Chat section of the forum at the beginning of each Month.
Non of the above is compulsory, just as and when you are available to play, but hopefully you will find it very enjoyable and return on a regular basis.
Please also post your MTT Cashes in this thread as FlyingDagg our Vice Captain keeps a running total and does a top Job too I might add. (Thanks Dagg)
Ok - Just two more things
1. We have our very own website & forum as listed below, so please take a look.........it would be nice to see a few more get involved. There is also a "CHATBOX" Facility where some of us have been meeting up and having a chat before the start of the games on Mondays.
And Finally..... 2. Some of your new team mates and regular railers will probably be along to support you in some of your tourney's/games. They/We put in a great deal of effort supporting fellow members on the rail and we do this not only because we enjoy the fun and the banter at the tables, but also to encourage our fellow TPTers to do well and improve their game.
So if you happen to be at a loose end or you have just been knocked out of a tourney, then why not get involved with your team mates on the rail and support a fellow member. It's great fun and I'm sure you will get plenty of support in return.
Unlucky in the DTD last night, but a great effort by all and some great railing goin on too.
Best of luck at the tables this evening.
gl on the tables all
well done on the cashes everyone sorry i never railed any dtd last night but i tilt shut down computer after going out all 3 to big hand vs big hand
gl at the tables
GELDY024£10.28 + £8.44 Head Prizes
thanks for the rail guys... and good luck to dagg who's still playin
WD all on the cashes and welcome to all the newbies. A big welcome back to scorpio et al.
Little one from me in £25 gtd.
WD unbpower easyfix and pomm nice cashes.
DTD is only held on Monday nights and the 3 games are named DTD1, DTD2 and DTD3. Scousered or DTWbandit will post a thread usually on a Friday I believe. This thread will be stickied and in RED at the top of the general poker chat section of the forum. You need to post on that thread and register yourself in all 3 games for the following Monday for your score to count. Your best 2 scores will count. This has individual and team prizes. There is also the Orfordable on Friday nights which pokertrev runs.You also need to post on that thread if you want your score to count. This is an indivdual tournament where your best 2 scores count over a month This will also be in general poker chat but is NOT stickied at the top.I think the thread usually appears on Friday. If you are interested there is also this tournament running in the afternoons run by woogie called £2-20 @2-20. This runs everyday but you only have to play 3 a week for your score to count. Obviously the more you play the better chance you have. If you want to be include in the league table you also need to post on that thread. All these tournaments carry extra prizes alongside the usual finishing place prizes.
In summary
DTD Monday night
DTD1 7-15p.m. £2-20
DTD2 7-45p.m. £1-10
DTD3 8-30p.m. £2-20
ORFORDABLE Friday 7-10p.m. £3-30
Woogies League Daily £2-20 @2-20p.m.
Thanks Dagg - Top Job m8y
Here is my summary for all the NEW Players - And a few things other may find helpful..........
Monday Forum DTD
On Monday Nights we play the Forum DTD where you can win Free Prizes each week and also Monthly prizes. We also run a league against the other forum teams for a bit of fun and banter.
The Monday Forum DTD consists of the following tourneys, which you will find in the lobby on Mondays....
DTD1 (£2.20) Deepstack
DTD2 (£1.10) Deepstack
DTD3 £2.20) NLH
Your best 2 scores from these 2 tourneys count towards the league and the added prizes. You will also have to post your name & team in the "Monday Forum DTD thread" in "General Poker Chat" section of the forum each week that you are available to play.
Friday Orfordable League
On Friday Evenings we also run a Monthly League Called the "Friday Orfordable"
Orfordable (£3.30) Deepstack
Again you will have to post your name in the "Friday Orfordable Thread" in General Poker Chat section of the forum at the beginning of each Month.
Non of the above is compulsory, just as and when you are available to play, but hopefully you will find it very enjoyable and return on a regular basis.
Please also post your MTT Cashes in this thread as FlyingDagg our Vice Captain keeps a running total and does a top Job too I might add. (Thanks Dagg)
Ok - Just two more things
1. We have our very own website & forum as listed below, so please take a look.........it would be nice to see a few more get involved. There is also a "CHATBOX" Facility where some of us have been meeting up and having a chat before the start of the games on Mondays.
web: www.teampokertitans.co.uk
Forum: http://teampokertitans.team-talk.net/
And Finally.....
2. Some of your new team mates and regular railers will probably be along to support you in some of your tourney's/games. They/We put in a great deal of effort supporting fellow members on the rail and we do this not only because we enjoy the fun and the banter at the tables, but also to encourage our fellow TPTers to do well and improve their game.
So if you happen to be at a loose end or you have just been knocked out of a tourney, then why not get involved with your team mates on the rail and support a fellow member. It's great fun and I'm sure you will get plenty of support in return.
Best of Luck Guys and welcome.
Pokertrev (TPT Captain)