hi guys sorry not been posting my cashes for some reason ! just lazy really !!! been concentrating mainyly on sit an goes atm so there aint that many think i have lost a few a there is a few timed tournies in there somewere il dig em out !!
print screen the download client (alt PrtScn) paste in microsoft paint crop the desired shot save as jpg use insert picture wait a few hours for sky to authorise
I think Steel knows an easier way to do it - but I couldn't work it out either
TPT PRIVATE GAME Due to the fact that Xmas is an expensive time and UKOPS is running I have decided that it's right to rest our monthly game which would have been due next Wednesday. The next one will be a deepstack Bounty Hunter on February 6th.
had a problem earlier while playing the game that i cashed in a few threads above, spoke to sky via chat and then rang them.... just wanted to say thanks to will and matt both guys were very helpful... thanks sky:)
Well done Chubbers & Kiwi in the Orfy and very well played the rest of TPT too.
Not a great night on the tables last night, had so many aces cracked and even had a full house cracked by a bigger full house. Perhaps today may be better..........although it hasn't started too wel
WD easyfix jeffter and spurs nice cashes.How come my account balance say i owe sky poker money lol.WD chubbers and kiwi in orthy and gl in the bh.Well done to the rest of the team.I am hoping to turn around this bad form for a nice cash today.I will take a deep run and no cash just to bring my confidence a little higher.Gl at the tables guys.
this hu did help 2wards my profit
gl all on the tables
paste in microsoft paint
crop the desired shot
save as jpg
use insert picture
wait a few hours for sky to authorise
I think Steel knows an easier way to do it - but I couldn't work it out either
& welcome Tom to TPT
Due to the fact that Xmas is an expensive time and UKOPS is running I have decided that it's right to rest our monthly game which would have been due next Wednesday. The next one will be a deepstack Bounty Hunter on February 6th.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance1-DAY Small blind 75.00 75.00 4795.00 steelrod Big blind 150.00 225.00 10020.00 Your hole cards K 2 aiken2001 Fold Lambert180 Fold howleygan1 Fold markgaza31 Call 150.00 375.00 3520.00 GEO68 Fold Seagull158 Fold gannaro198 Call 150.00 525.00 6190.00 darryl1976 Fold 1-DAY Call 75.00 600.00 4720.00 steelrod Check Flop J 2 2 1-DAY Check steelrod Bet 600.00 1200.00 9420.00 markgaza31 Call 600.00 1800.00 2920.00 gannaro198 Fold 1-DAY Fold Turn 9 steelrod Bet 3600.00 5400.00 5820.00 markgaza31 All-in 2920.00 8320.00 0.00 steelrod Unmatched bet 680.00 7640.00 6500.00 steelrod Show K 2 markgaza31 Show A 2 River 7 markgaza31 Win Three 2s 7640.00 7640.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesacman698 Small blind 200.00 200.00 12130.00 hardyt20 Big blind 400.00 600.00 11825.00 Your hole cards 7 7 jjjach Fold steelrod Call 400.00 1000.00 10120.00 adz777 Call 400.00 1400.00 28652.50 jamaine Fold sacman698 Raise 1000.00 2400.00 11130.00 hardyt20 Fold steelrod Call 800.00 3200.00 9320.00 adz777 Call 800.00 4000.00 27852.50 Flop A K 7 sacman698 Bet 2000.00 6000.00 9130.00 steelrod All-in 9320.00 15320.00 0.00 adz777 Call 9320.00 24640.00 18532.50 sacman698 All-in 9130.00 33770.00 0.00 adz777 Call 1810.00 35580.00 16722.50 sacman698 Show J J steelrod Show 7 7 adz777 Show K 10 Turn 8 River 2 adz777 Win Flush to the Ace 35580.00 52302.50
Not a great night on the tables last night, had so many aces cracked and even had a full house cracked by a bigger full house. Perhaps today may be better..........although it hasn't started too wel
Good luck on the tables all.
WD easyfix jeffter and spurs nice cashes.How come my account balance say i owe sky poker money lol.WD chubbers and kiwi in orthy and gl in the bh.Well done to the rest of the team.I am hoping to turn around this bad form for a nice cash today.I will take a deep run and no cash just to bring my confidence a little higher.Gl at the tables guys.