Shocker in the DTD again tonight, out two both with QQ, give TREV credit for having KK, but out vs K7 (hit 2 pr) for 18bb, Other one shoved AJs to steal, BS calls with 23s and hits a str8, ffs come on sky.
well i dont really know why but after depositing today and grinding it up to £40 i decided to enter todays main even cus ive never played in one before..... heres the result!
RLT16030£30.96 + £120.41 Head Prizes8
made some really bad errors late on should of finished alot higher but i'll learn from it and do better next time!
p.s i had an awful night in the DTD after a promising start to them all, but hey im to happy to care about that at the moment
Hello lads just a quick post to let use know i will be leaving tpt and sky poker !! i have been playing on the site recently and have been measuring the bads beats this site gives out ! i have never in my life seen anything like it !! ifeel like the site benifits the same players over a period of time ! i feel the bad beats increase as there is that many donks on the site ! i have read all the reviews in the online poker forums and i have yet to c 1 good review !!! i can go on for ever about the beats i have took on this site for the last couple of months its absolutly unreal so im deleting my account now ! just had enough gl at the tables lads hope use all run better than me
Steel no need to say anything about that first hand it was said in the chatbox last night and players can play how they want. You were shortstacked so you had to take the chance. The 2nd hand I'm folding to that raise. Your OOP and its too early to get involved. Once that flop comes your in a world of pain. 3rd hand unlucky but that player will gamble and call with gutshots all day long. It's very hard to get him off a hand. At least you got a nice consolation in that HU.
Hi addo we all suffer from bad beats.We all have those runner runners and 1 outers.People play here because there is so many bad players to take advantage of.I should know i'm one of them... a bad player.Then again there are worse players than me.We need bad players getting lucky, so they will keep coming back.I will not blame people for making bad plays and getting lucky.At the end of the day we can't blame bad players for playing badly, it's what they do.It's our job to take advantage of it.At the end of the day it's your decision and if you go i'd like to wish you luck on whatever site you play on.
Hello lads just a quick post to let use know i will be leaving tpt and sky poker !! i have been playing on the site recently and have been measuring the bads beats this site gives out ! i have never in my life seen anything like it !! ifeel like the site benifits the same players over a period of time ! i feel the bad beats increase as there is that many donks on the site ! i have read all the reviews in the online poker forums and i have yet to c 1 good review !!! i can go on for ever about the beats i have took on this site for the last couple of months its absolutly unreal so im deleting my account now ! just had enough gl at the tables lads hope use all run better than me Posted by addo07
you invited me into TPT - you can't leave now
I know what you mean about downswings when everything goes wrong - but it ain't the site that gives bad beats it's statistics - and they can hit you whichever site you're on.
but sure - go and play away for a while, but leave your account dormant not deleted. you never know you might have a change of heart - as i did myself
Nice cashes TREV Think my roll is slowing down, I might need a push, getting near to FT again, thx for stopping by TREV, soz it only lasted 4 hands, lol., but did get 4 heads this time, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
£250 B/Hunter Red_King012£3.40 + £3.19 Head Prizes4
Shocker in the DTD again tonight, out two both with QQ,
give TREV credit for having KK, but out vs K7 (hit 2 pr) for 18bb,
Other one shoved AJs to steal, BS calls with 23s and hits a str8, ffs come on sky.
£100 Freezeout
RLT16030£30.96 + £120.41 Head Prizes8
made some really bad errors late on should of finished alot higher but i'll learn from it and do better next time!
p.s i had an awful night in the DTD after a promising start to them all, but hey im to happy to care about that at the moment
Welcome to the team all and GL .
Couldnt Play the DTDs tonight. Just got in from a late Mothers Day special.
Pleased ya recovered from your chest infection FD gl m8.
Gonna have a glass of wine and then bed. May even watch a film and fall asleep.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceminxymoo Small blind 600.00 600.00 32512.50 steelrod Big blind 1200.00 1800.00 6405.00 Your hole cards 9 9 mikabhoy Fold archdigger Fold sick_swans All-in 12027.50 13827.50 0.00 chopper34 Fold minxymoo All-in 32512.50 46340.00 0.00 steelrod All-in 6405.00 52745.00 0.00 minxymoo Unmatched bet 21085.00 31660.00 21085.00 minxymoo Show J A steelrod Show 9 9 sick_swans Show 6 2 Flop 6 5 3 Turn Q River J sick_swans Win Flush to the Queen 31660.00 31660.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrod Small blind 10.00 10.00 5000.00 mickgil75 Big blind 20.00 30.00 4980.00 Your hole cards A 7 diablo_pez Fold jammieb126 Fold lisa789 Fold RyanG Fold steelrod Call 10.00 40.00 4990.00 mickgil75 Raise 60.00 100.00 4920.00 steelrod Call 60.00 160.00 4930.00 Flop 7 7 K steelrod Check mickgil75 Check Turn 9 steelrod Bet 80.00 240.00 4850.00 mickgil75 Call 80.00 320.00 4840.00 River 2 steelrod Bet 280.00 600.00 4570.00 mickgil75 Raise 1160.00 1760.00 3680.00 steelrod All-in 4570.00 6330.00 0.00 mickgil75 All-in 3680.00 10010.00 0.00 steelrod Unmatched bet 10.00 10000.00 10.00 steelrod Show A 7 mickgil75 Show K K mickgil75 Win Full House, Kings and 7s 10000.00 10000.00
dtd 3
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerivermunky Small blind 200.00 200.00 18538.12 pyskik Big blind 400.00 600.00 7397.50 Your hole cards J J Shilo Fold chopper69 Fold stokefc Fold steelrod Raise 1200.00 1800.00 2942.50 rivermunky Call 1000.00 2800.00 17538.12 pyskik Call 800.00 3600.00 6597.50 Flop K J 4 rivermunky Check pyskik Check steelrod All-in 2942.50 6542.50 0.00 rivermunky Call 2942.50 9485.00 14595.62 pyskik Fold rivermunky Show A 10 steelrod Show J J Turn 8 River Q rivermunky Win Straight to the Ace 9485.00 24080.62
played this in temper of dtd
might b awol for afew days gl on the tables all
another FT in the late BH, no head prizes tho'
£300 B/Hunter
£400 Gtd Rebuy
only took the add-on
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrod Small blind 50.00 50.00 865.00 JONNIE91 Big blind 100.00 150.00 1440.00 Your hole cards K J dancinpant Fold ponty Fold compo6 Raise 200.00 350.00 3225.00 aztecmonk Call 200.00 550.00 7120.00 steelrod All-in 865.00 1415.00 0.00 JONNIE91 Fold compo6 Raise 1430.00 2845.00 1795.00 aztecmonk Call 1430.00 4275.00 5690.00 Flop Q 10 A compo6 All-in 1795.00 6070.00 0.00 aztecmonk Call 1795.00 7865.00 3895.00 steelrod Show K J compo6 Show A A aztecmonk Show A 6 Turn 4 River J aztecmonk Win Flush to the Ace 7865.00 11760.00
Think my roll is slowing down, I might need a push, getting near to FT again,
thx for stopping by TREV, soz it only lasted 4 hands, lol.,
but did get 4 heads this time, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
£250 B/Hunter
Red_King012£3.40 + £3.19 Head Prizes4