WD all nice cashes.Geldy nice to see you back.Waller gl with the dyms.I'm sure you smash them m8.Chris sometimes it's better to take a few days off when your running bad.Chipmunk i think i'll leave the paragraphs alone.Little cash from DTD3.Big thanks for the rail guys.jjjach012£5.78.
hi rose, waller, haylez, chris et all - ty anyone tried the new headhunter mtt - no prize pool it's all on the heads with 10 left i was the only one without heads - just playing for the win - luckily it worked out Sky Head Hunter 1/37 GELDY 74000 1 £53.27 Head Prizes 3 Posted by GELDY
Hi geldy yeah I have played two and ran golden first one I got 7 heads and in the second I got 13 headbigot of a donk a thon so suits me perfectly
nice birthday present that 1st in the 7th jan 4,20 deep stack yes its my birthday today WHEELS71612000001£29.60pkrmessiah02£17.60dsmurph8903£12herbert104£8.80Auldyin5005£6.40dragon195506£5.60
Seeing as I'm the villain of the piece, and no one else has yet to comment, I'm happy to throw my hat into the ring regarding that hand jjjach....
Do I think you played it badly? Not at all. The key thing for me is I regard you as a player who can/will triple barrell. So although I wasn't in love with my hand, I felt I can still be good here on the river enough of the time. Plus the board ran out in quite a favourable, none too threatening way. I assume you would take a similar line with JJ+, so it keeps your range nice and balanced. On another day when you have a monster, you'd be taking me straight to value town with that hand.
Seeing as I'm the villain of the piece, and no one else has yet to comment, I'm happy to throw my hat into the ring regarding that hand jjjach.... Do I think you played it badly? Not at all. The key thing for me is I regard you as a player who can/will triple barrell. So although I wasn't in love with my hand, I felt I can still be good here on the river enough of the time. Plus the board ran out in quite a favourable, none too threatening way. I assume you would take a similar line with JJ+, so it keeps your range nice and balanced. On another day when you have a monster, you'd be taking me straight to value town with that hand. Posted by hhyftrftdr
I think you both played the hand quite well. I do think that once Harry calls the turn, he's calling most rivers so unless an A or K lands on the river I would often opt on giving up the river. Will be interesting the next time you both meet in a similar situation, let the meta-game commence!
I myself had a good game with Harry yesterday, playing several pots and managed to get very lucky getting my chips in behind twice QJs vs KK and 99 vs JJ and sucking out both times!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : I think you both played the hand quite well. I do think that once Harry calls the turn, he's calling most rivers so unless an A or K lands on the river I would often opt on giving up the river. Will be interesting the next time you both meet in a similar situation, let the meta-game commence! I myself had a good game with Harry yesterday, playing several pots and managed to get very lucky getting my chips in behind twice QJs vs KK and 99 vs JJ and sucking out both times! Posted by DoubleAAA
Yeah, thats what I was trying to get out and making a meal of it! Basically, it's a great run out when we have the big over pair, and its a terrible run out when we have 2 random overcards. But as I said before, your range is nice and balanced assuming you take a similar line with your value hands. I also liked your bet sizing too, setting yourself up to ship the river with a PSB. Just unlucky you couldn't get a fish like me off a lowly pair
Double, that QJs vs KK doesn't even scratch the surface! Wasn't the flop something innocuous like 9 2 3? Then the 8 on the turn.....then the 10 on the river! Can't beat a miracle runner runner every now and then FWIW I think the 99 vs JJ was pretty standard. I know I wouldn't fold 99 vs me in a blind on blind battle anyway!
played in a bounty hunter last night when the following hand happpened
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Two Pairs, 5s and 2s
i'm a confirmed MTT fish, but i'm not bothered seemed like a decent play, much prefer my play to the villains, but, meh innit.
but what it did produce was THE most BEAUTIFUL private message [well 10 pm's as he hammered the send button that frantically he sent the ting 10 times] teammates, enjoy:
Subject: Fish?
I just wanted to say hi,
I video all my games using screen capture software and "tag" each hand that gets me out.
You have knocked my out 4 times from various tourneys since November but I wanted to draw your attention to you hands.
Your 10-2 off beat my A-Ks
Your K-2off beat my pair of K's
You J-4s beat my K-Q's
An your K-2s beat my A-10o.
I have a massive post on 888 and Pokerstars (it would never be allowed on skypoker) and everyone tells me I made the correct descions overtime blah blah. But your donk/fish play is seems to reward you on sky. SO I decided to start watching tables you play. An it appears as I'm sure you'll agree....your a very lucky player with limited knowledge/skill/
now i didn't knock him out with that hand, and the other hands he posted are in neither my shoving or calling range except for very shallow stacks. moreover a quick sharkscope search reveals that last night was the first time we had even been in the same MTT since AUGUST, much less sharing 4 tables since november and me knocking him out in each. he was a reg on the forums and i noticed his name last night immediately and it was the first time i remember playing him, so i'm calling BS on the other hands, bless him.
the plot, however thickens. i was only able to read the PM's as my email archives all PM's sent by way of notification. when i looked in my inbox all ten messages had dissapeared and upon trying to view his profile the message "This community member's page is currently being reviewed by the editors" is there
it appears his messages have been deleted. i wonder how many other people got critiques last night? maybe some complained. anyways, it brought a little joy into my day. hope it brightens yours.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : havent heard of that one, what time was it on at,, and do u ever come second geldy???? nice cash again lol Posted by Chris_Mc
Good luck tonight all
And welcome back Geldy mate
I myself had a good game with Harry yesterday, playing several pots and managed to get very lucky getting my chips in behind twice QJs vs KK and 99 vs JJ and sucking out both times!
but what it did produce was THE most BEAUTIFUL private message [well 10 pm's as he hammered the send button that frantically he sent the ting 10 times] teammates, enjoy:
Subject: Fish?
I just wanted to say hi,
I video all my games using screen capture software and "tag" each hand that gets me out.
You have knocked my out 4 times from various tourneys since November but I wanted to draw your attention to you hands.
Your 10-2 off beat my A-Ks
Your K-2off beat my pair of K's
You J-4s beat my K-Q's
An your K-2s beat my A-10o.
I have a massive post on 888 and Pokerstars (it would never be allowed on skypoker) and everyone tells me I made the correct descions overtime blah blah. But your donk/fish play is seems to reward you on sky. SO I decided to start watching tables you play. An it appears as I'm sure you'll agree....your a very lucky player with limited knowledge/skill/
---------------------------------------------------------------now i didn't knock him out with that hand, and the other hands he posted are in neither my shoving or calling range except for very shallow stacks. moreover a quick sharkscope search reveals that last night was the first time we had even been in the same MTT since AUGUST, much less sharing 4 tables since november and me knocking him out in each. he was a reg on the forums and i noticed his name last night immediately and it was the first time i remember playing him, so i'm calling BS on the other hands, bless him.
the plot, however thickens. i was only able to read the PM's as my email archives all PM's sent by way of notification. when i looked in my inbox all ten messages had dissapeared and upon trying to view his profile the message "This community member's page is currently being reviewed by the editors" is there
it appears his messages have been deleted. i wonder how many other people got critiques last night? maybe some complained. anyways, it brought a little joy into my day. hope it brightens yours.