Had a well needed win tonite. 250 B/H tomred643520001£47.96 + £28.26 Head Prizes14£7.80KEVINRAMS02£28.78 + £5.22 Head Prizes3 paul20120203£17.60 + £3.13 Head Prizes2
1st feb mini primo helian3198940001£558.75JACKJADE02£312.901_Shot03£184.61robert36904£146.39chrisdboy05£122.92Stewart106£99.46font8a07£77.11kman5008£55.88paulh93309£44.70rancid010£34.20Bear_Proof011£24.59bigpotato012£24.59Rubbernix013£24.59barneyk014£20.11WHEELS7161015£20.11JUST A QUICK CHAT ABOUT ACES,I HAD THEM IN THE DEEP STACK FLOP CAME A89 ALL IN CALLED BY 99 YES YOU GOT IT 9 ON THE RIVER QUADS DON'T SEE THEM OFTEN THEN IN THE PRIMO I WENT ALL IN WITH 10 10 CALLED BY ACES YOU GOT IT 10 ON THE FLOP IT SEEMS ON SKY ACES NEVER SEEM TO WIN AND THEY ARE LETTING US KNOW IT.THAT ANY GOOD HAND CAN GET BEAT ITS ALL LUCK GET MY LAP TOP BACK NEXT WEEK SO I'LL BE BACK,HATE PLAYING ON THIS BIG COMPUTER,GOOD LUCK ALL
1st feb mini primo helian319 894000 1 £558.75 JACKJADE 0 2 £312.90 1_Shot 0 3 £184.61 robert369 0 4 £146.39 chrisdboy 0 5 £122.92 Stewart1 0 6 £99.46 font8a 0 7 £77.11 kman50 0 8 £55.88 paulh933 0 9 £44.70 rancid 0 10 £34.20 Bear_Proof 0 11 £24.59 bigpotato 0 12 £24.59 Rubbernix 0 13 £24.59 barneyk 0 14 £20.11 WHEELS7161 0 15 £20.11 JUST A QUICK CHAT ABOUT ACES,I HAD THEM IN THE DEEP STACK FLOP CAME A89 ALL IN CALLED BY 99 YES YOU GOT IT 9 ON THE RIVER QUADS DON'T SEE THEM OFTEN THEN IN THE PRIMO I WENT ALL IN WITH 10 10 CALLED BY ACES YOU GOT IT 10 ON THE FLOP IT SEEMS ON SKY ACES NEVER SEEM TO WIN AND THEY ARE LETTING US KNOW IT.THAT ANY GOOD HAND CAN GET BEAT ITS ALL LUCK GET MY LAP TOP BACK NEXT WEEK SO I'LL BE BACK,HATE PLAYING ON THIS BIG COMPUTER,GOOD LUCK ALL Posted by WHEELS7161
According to my little odds calculator AA v 99 9's will win 1 in 5. Same odds for 10 10. Aces aren't really the cert that people think they are. Talking of quads when I won the deepstack other night I had them twice in an hour.
First time I've been involved in a hand like this. 2nd hand of a DYM baileycake Small blind 10.00 10.00 1970.00 MICKAA Big blind 20.00 30.00 1980.00 Your hole cards Q Q frankie103 Call 20.00 50.00 2030.00 jaylee7228 Call 20.00 70.00 1960.00 FlyingDagg Raise 140.00 210.00 1810.00 supersurly Call 140.00 350.00 1900.00 baileycake Call 130.00 480.00 1840.00 MICKAA All-in 1980.00 2460.00 0.00 frankie103 Fold jaylee7228 Fold FlyingDagg All-in 1810.00 4270.00 0.00 supersurly Call 1860.00 6130.00 40.00 baileycake All-in 1840.00 7970.00 0.00 baileycake Show 9 9 MICKAA Show A A FlyingDagg Show Q Q supersurly Show 8 8 Flop 9 4 K Turn 3 River 4 baileycake Win Full House, 9s and 4s 7930.00 7930.00 MICKAA Win Two Pairs, Aces and 4s 40.00 40.00 Posted by FlyingDagg
It's hard to fold qq by there maybe if the ones b4 u did not limp maybe you could of got more information from it and maybe let the hand go
The THS DONKATHON is on tonight at 7.15pm.It's a hilo game and cost 3.30p if anyone is interested.Jonny and me are in it so far.You can pm me for the password.Or you can look on fb in friends of skypoker.
Entry to £20k Super Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
£20k roller frenzy
Entry to £20k Super Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
Managed to sat into the roller tonight via the late semi. Didn't last very long though . Flopped a set and raised, other guy reraised and I did an all in. He called - and managed to hit straight on the river.
I've had laptop issues since Monday and have got round to sorting it out today (well hopefully), just took me 5 hrs to sort out the rubbish my stepson had downloaded onto it and delete it. Then had to do a clean up and it SEEMS to be running much better. so hopefully be back this week.
Been busy playing HU, ive took a pretty much permament break from mtt's as i dont enjoy them at all. I did want to work on my mtt game this year, but got absolutely zero motivation to do so, meh innit,
I am however itching to play DTD again tomorrow night. Havent played this year, cant wait to dive back in.
Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance funboy69 Small blind 15.00 15.00 1485.00 klevvakazz Big blind 30.00 45.00 1470.00 Your hole cards A A bracewell1 Raise 90.00 135.00 1410.00 sparkzl29 Call 90.00 225.00 1410.00 lemom12 Fold welsh65 Fold funboy69 Call 75.00 300.00 1410.00 klevvakazz Call 60.00 360.00 1410.00 Flop 4 3 K funboy69 Check klevvakazz Check bracewell1 Bet 210.00 570.00 1200.00 sparkzl29 Call 210.00 780.00 1200.00 funboy69 Fold klevvakazz Call 210.00 990.00 1200.00 Turn 3 klevvakazz Check bracewell1 Bet 495.00 1485.00 705.00 sparkzl29 Fold klevvakazz All-in 1200.00 2685.00 0.00 bracewell1 All-in 705.00 3390.00 0.00 klevvakazz Show 3 J bracewell1 Show A A River 6 klevvakazz Win Three 3s 3390.00 3390.00 And people wonder why people are getting frustrated with sky, the standard on this site truly is shocking, this is inexcusable in my opinion lol.. Posted by bracewell1
Why cant people understand we want these guys at our tables every single day of the week.. do you think you would make money playing ivey every week !! embrace man it will occasionally happen but over time you will make a s******* of money against these guys !!
Thanks for the welcome back everyone! Not had chance to really play this weekend but hopefully get plenty in this week What is the 'MC spin up' challenge Pom? Posted by HoldemHoty
Hi Hoty, welcome back. In Poker Chat there is a challenge to spin £5 up tp £200 on Master Cash tables.
250 B/H
tomred643520001£47.96 + £28.26 Head Prizes14£7.80KEVINRAMS02£28.78 + £5.22 Head Prizes3 paul20120203£17.60 + £3.13 Head Prizes2
helian3198940001£558.75JACKJADE02£312.901_Shot03£184.61robert36904£146.39chrisdboy05£122.92Stewart106£99.46font8a07£77.11kman5008£55.88paulh93309£44.70rancid010£34.20Bear_Proof011£24.59bigpotato012£24.59Rubbernix013£24.59barneyk014£20.11WHEELS7161015£20.11JUST A QUICK CHAT ABOUT ACES,I HAD THEM IN THE DEEP STACK FLOP CAME A89 ALL IN CALLED BY 99 YES YOU GOT IT 9 ON THE RIVER QUADS DON'T SEE THEM OFTEN THEN IN THE PRIMO I WENT ALL IN WITH 10 10 CALLED BY ACES YOU GOT IT 10 ON THE FLOP IT SEEMS ON SKY ACES NEVER SEEM TO WIN AND THEY ARE LETTING US KNOW IT.THAT ANY GOOD HAND CAN GET BEAT ITS ALL LUCK GET MY LAP TOP BACK NEXT WEEK SO I'LL BE BACK,HATE PLAYING ON THIS BIG COMPUTER,GOOD LUCK ALL
Some great cashes this week.
I've had laptop issues since Monday and have got round to sorting it out today (well hopefully), just took me 5 hrs to sort out the rubbish my stepson had downloaded onto it and delete it. Then had to do a clean up and it SEEMS to be running much better. so hopefully be back this week.
Gl all.
What is the 'MC spin up' challenge Pom?
cashed in the 250 11 pound game