dohhhhhhh started a thread about the velocity and i for one would love to see it back as a 1k-1.5k freezeout. i think if we get a couple of hundred yes votes they may listen to
It's very much like the original theme music to Match of The Day. One day someone decided to replace it with something better. Let's call it, "Match of the Day theme Music (Rebuy edit)." No one watched. England didn't win another World Cup. Then someone else, someone wiser, decided to reinstate the original music. Everyone watched football again.
So can a new wiser person reinstate the original Velocity please?
PS England didn't win another World Cup. But that's the fault of Sepp Blatter.
When sky poker first started, the velocity tournament had a lot of prominence. Unfortunately, it's fallen down the pecking order. Make it a £10 buy in though now and NO REBUYS. The whole spirit of the velocity is lost with rebuys.
Don't know how to cast vote, but yes! When sky poker first started, the velocity tournament had a lot of prominence. Unfortunately, it's fallen down the pecking order. Make it a £10 buy in though now and NO REBUYS. The whole spirit of the velocity is lost with rebuys. Posted by BigBluster
Don't know how to cast vote, but yes! When sky poker first started, the velocity tournament had a lot of prominence. Unfortunately, it's fallen down the pecking order. Make it a £10 buy in though now and NO REBUYS. The whole spirit of the velocity is lost with rebuys. Posted by BigBluster
Just click in the circle next to whichever option you want and then click VOTE
In Response to Re: we need at least 200 yes votes for freeze out velocity! : Just click in the circle next to whichever option you want and then click VOTE Posted by NoseyBonk
Lolz nosey , and on the subject matter i liked the £5 original with £1k gtd and DEFO no rebuys xx
Deffo yes with NO REBUY
I loved the old velocity! great fun!
Bring it back pls!
It's very much like the original theme music to Match of The Day. One day someone decided to replace it with something better. Let's call it, "Match of the Day theme Music (Rebuy edit)." No one watched. England didn't win another World Cup. Then someone else, someone wiser, decided to reinstate the original music. Everyone watched football again.
So can a new wiser person reinstate the original Velocity please?
PS England didn't win another World Cup. But that's the fault of Sepp Blatter.
When sky poker first started, the velocity tournament had a lot of prominence. Unfortunately, it's fallen down the pecking order. Make it a £10 buy in though now and NO REBUYS. The whole spirit of the velocity is lost with rebuys.
yeah forgot to say def no rebuys!