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KQo OOP on LAGGY table

The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
edited August 2011 in The Poker Clinic
Ok looking at this hand from the SPT sat tonight im not sure i played it 100% optimal. The reason being because of the table dynamics.

The table is playing very loose poker. Infact i problably have the best seat in the house. the two players acting before me are extremely LAGGY.

When the raise comes from the button going by previous hands im 99% sure hes not folding to a 3-bet and thats the main reason i post this. Is it fine to go for value here?
The_Don90 Small blind  15.00 15.00 1925.00
stebar56 Big blind  30.00 45.00 3465.00
  Your hole cards
  • Q
  • K
KLM Fold     
xRaise  90.00 135.00 2780.00
The_Don90 Raise  180.00 315.00 1745.00
stebar56 Fold     
xCall  105.00 420.00 2675.00
  • 2
  • Q
  • 8
The_Don90 Bet  315.00 735.00 1430.00
The_Don90 Muck     
The_Don90 Win  420.00  1850.00
The_Don90 Return  315.00 0.00 2165.00


  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited August 2011
    3 bet is fine mate against a known laggy opponent, on the flop though i probably bet to look weak maybe 180-200 hoping for the guy to play back then make your move, although the 315 is understandable as he has been playing a lot of hands and calling a lot of bets on flop that are close to pot, i think you played it fine mate was unlucky to not get a call seeing how they have played
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2011
    flatting or 3-betting is ok, you want to mix it up though .... it's likely you have the best hand pre but that doesn't mean you have to raise! i think you played it fine though, fwiw 3-bet bigger
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2011
    I would mainly just flat pre, but if 3bet it needs to much bigger, 300 minimum.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011
    I think 3betting pre is fine, calling an option to. If you 3bet though make it bigger and also have a plan for what you are doing when you miss, as he sounds like a guy might call cbets a lot

    Flop there is no need to bet this big, bet 250 and obv get it in if raised 

    Also someone who will flat a 3bet 99% of time at this stack depth doesnt sound like a lag (at least not a good one)
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited August 2011
    I 3bet slightly larger as he's snapping with any two for the sizing, but you retain the betting lead cheap regardless.  Like the lead, he easily gets creative, but equally plays and pays a worse Q a 7's/9's for 1 maybe 2 bullets.
  • LLCooLDLLCooLD Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2011
    the 3-bet needs to be larger, NO Dealer holding folds to the small 3 bet in position.
  • jams88jams88 Member Posts: 694
    edited August 2011
    whats a laggy opponant i presume your not just talking about internet connection?
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited August 2011
    loose - aggressive
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2011

    Don, I'm far from a poker genius but will give my take if you don't mind.

    If you're 3-betting with a horrendous hand like KQo (I'd rather do it with 83o) then bet BIGGGGG. Min raise is horrible in my eyes.

    Post : You bet out and took it down? Result, no? There's not much you're beating that calls, even if turn comes K?

    Find better spots, you know you're good enough to.

    As played, check-raise. Let them bluff. They haven't AQ and a set's just unlucky.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: KQo OOP on LAGGY table:
    Don, I'm far from a poker genius but will give my take if you don't mind. If you're 3-betting with a horrendous hand like KQo (I'd rather do it with 83o) then bet BIGGGGG. Min raise is horrible in my eyes. Post : You bet out and took it down? Result, no? There's not much you're beating that calls, even if turn comes K? Find better spots, you know you're good enough to. As played, check-raise. Let them bluff. They haven't AQ and a set's just unlucky.
    Posted by bandini
    ty mate. some pretty good constructive feedback here. I actually agree that the 3 bet should be bigger if its getting made. It was the first thing that i thought looking back at the hand.

    The 83o situation is a kind of comical example tbh. Last 3 bet i made light happened to be 83o v Dave Bland at SPT Cardiff lol. :D

    Anyways. Few good points here mate, ty/
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: KQo OOP on LAGGY table:
    Don, I'm far from a poker genius but will give my take if you don't mind. If you're 3-betting with a horrendous hand like KQo (I'd rather do it with 83o) then bet BIGGGGG. Min raise is horrible in my eyes. Post : You bet out and took it down? Result, no? There's not much you're beating that calls, even if turn comes K? Find better spots, you know you're good enough to. As played, check-raise. Let them bluff. They haven't AQ and a set's just unlucky.
    Posted by bandini
    if he's loose and calls with 99% of his opening range why is 3betting KQo horrible?

    Similarly on flop there should be a few worse Qx, pocket pairs and flush draws that can call/raise. Why should he c/r flop if you think villain is going to bluff?
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