Ian Frazer is unwell, so I'll be doing tonight's Show as the Analyst, which means I can personally announce the winner of Rich Orford's Forum Comp to name the time that the 400 millionth hand was dealt last night.
After the Show, around 0130am, or first thing tomorrow, in case the winner misses the Show, I'll Post it on this Thread, too.
Don't wan't to scare anyone, but the winner MAY not be who you think.......(please carefully read the question that Rich asked!)
But everything will be cool, trust me, it will. Honest.
We will do it as near the "top" of the Show as possible.
Good evening. Ian Frazer is unwell, so I'll be doing tonight's Show as the Analyst, which means I can personally announce the winner of Rich Orford's Forum Comp to name the time that the 400 millionth hand was dealt last night. After the Show, around 0130am, or first thing tomorrow, in case the winner misses the Show, I'll Post it on this Thread, too. Don't wan't to scare anyone, but the winner MAY not be who you think.......(please carefully read the question that Rich asked!) But everything will be cool, trust me, it will. Honest. We will do it as near the "top" of the Show as possible. Posted by Tikay10
...Email us or post below your guess as to what time exactly the 400 millionth hand wlll be dealt and the nearest will win a Saturday Open seat worth £22! In the event of a tie, the first person to have posted or emailed that particular time will win... Posted by RICHORFORD
I wonder if it was dealt a minute earlier than people expect?
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich and Tikay plus Adam Goulding ***the show thread**** : is the pope catholic ?.........:)- Posted by billyboots
In Response to Saturday Night Live with Rich and Tikay plus Adam Goulding ***the show thread**** : I wonder if it was dealt a minute earlier than people expect? Posted by Machka
With the lag last night it coulda been 5 mins before it was played!
The hand was DEALT (that was the question) at 23.02.
THREE Prizes - not one as advertised - were eventually awarded on Sunday's Show, being one each to "dubmaster", "AcidMan27", & "murray69".
All three need to write to the Show Producer to indicate which Saturday they would like to play the Open as Sky Poker's Guest. The e-address is skyopen@bskyb.com
The Producer does NOT monitor this thread, so you MUST write to him at that e-addy to claim your prize.
yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a surprise was just browsing forum and came across this thank you very much a bit of luck and ill cash in it,will know which saturday later and send email................wahoo
Good evening.
Ian Frazer is unwell, so I'll be doing tonight's Show as the Analyst, which means I can personally announce the winner of Rich Orford's Forum Comp to name the time that the 400 millionth hand was dealt last night.
After the Show, around 0130am, or first thing tomorrow, in case the winner misses the Show, I'll Post it on this Thread, too.
Don't wan't to scare anyone, but the winner MAY not be who you think.......(please carefully read the question that Rich asked!)
But everything will be cool, trust me, it will. Honest.
We will do it as near the "top" of the Show as possible.
THREE Prizes - not one as advertised - were eventually awarded on Sunday's Show, being one each to "dubmaster", "AcidMan27", & "murray69".
All three need to write to the Show Producer to indicate which Saturday they would like to play the Open as Sky Poker's Guest. The e-address is skyopen@bskyb.com
The Producer does NOT monitor this thread, so you MUST write to him at that e-addy to claim your prize.
Well done you.