Can anyone pls explain why a 6 digit number shows up on Sharkscope when you are searching for room data instead of the players name
The number also shows no games played , but when you check your table there is no -one with a number but someone with a name who isn,t showing up unless you go to search database where it then brings up there stats
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UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100xxxxx47-$1 $3 -25%-$43 -51xxxxxx 159-$1 $4 -9%-$104 -51xxxxxx 448$0 $3 -14%-$70 -53xMP33 792$0 $8 2%$102 -59xxxxxxx 302-$1 $7 -9%-$271 -51x67911040$N/A $N/A N/A%$N/A -N/A