Best you've seen?
I was a peacemaker tonight. An all-in on a J high board was called with 44. 4 hit. AJ guy went loopy, threw chips at villain and a shoving match ensued. I'm not a small guy and came inbetween them. "Get an sbsolute* grip, and chill the jeepers* out." I could hardly believe it.
I had a guy shouting his mouth of that he'd won £28k on-line and his QQ being called by A10 was the worst call he'd ever seen. Aye, right, I see worse every night. Slevour.
Seriously, take it like a man. It's a cruel game at times. Post it on here by all means but accept what it is.
But the thread is, what's the best/worst toy throwing you've seen?
* can't swear on Sky.
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I've never been a fan of criticising peoples play. They have paid their money so they can play their cards how they want.
i called his all-in(1500) in the first level of a $3 rebuy i had ak v his 77 and hit the ace(obv)...since then he has given me abuse for the last 6 months
i always reply with something witty or cutting then after about 10 mins he starts with the "hope you die" "your mum.........." etc
very funny watching him go into meltdown spouting loads of bile then spewing chips:)